Imagine you see michael get hurt

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Niall: you and your boyfriend were at a 5SOS concert because you guys both love them. You were dancing around and having a great time you were close to where Michael was going to stand on a block it was that time the fire was going off and you saw one go towards Michael you gasped And told your boyfriend "we have to see if he's okay after the concert." He said "agreed." After the concert you headed backstage and ran to Michael you said "oh my gosh are you okay?" He said "yeah I'm fine it just hurts that's all." You gave him a hug and said "give us a call if you need anything." He said "will do now go home and get some sleep." You said "okay." And gave him another hug. That night you didn't sleep a wink worrying about Michael.

Harry: you were front row center at a 5SOS concert when it happened you gasped and said to Harry "weneedtogobackthereaftertheconcert." Harry put his hands on you shoulder and said "okay breath we'll go check on him after the concert okay." You took a deep breath and nodded your head and he hugged you after the concert you ran backstage and said "please tell me your going to be okay." Michael said "yeah I'll be fine I promise you." You said "you better not be lying to me." He said "I'm not now go home and get some sleep." You said "no I'm not leaving you until I know your not in pain anymore." Michael said "listen to me YN I'll be okay go home get a good night sleep with harry and I'll call you if I need anything okay."you said "okay." And gave him another hug. Once you guys got home you went to sleep but didn't sleep at all you were to worried about Michael.

Louis: you guys were backstage at a 5SOS Concert when the accident happened everyone rushed to him you and Lou couldn't see what was happening after the concert you notice the badage on Michael's face and you started freaking out you said "oh my gosh are you okay? Oh my gosh you better be okay oh my gosh." You started panicking Michael got up and put his hands on you shoulder and said "YN listen to me I'll be fine I just got alittle burnt that's all." You said "alittle." He said "fine a lot but I'll be fine I promise you now you and Lou go get some sleep and I'll call you if you need anything." You said"okay." And hugged him tightly once you got home you watched some tv tring to get your mind off of Michael Lou sat next to you and said "he'll be fine come to bed." You said "I will in a second." He gave you a kiss on the cheek and headed to bed you didn't sleep at all that night to worried about Michael.

Liam: you gasped once you saw it happened and was freaking out the rest of the concert after the concert you guys headed backstage you ran to Michael and said "please tell me your okay please please." You started crying alittle and Michael said "hey look at me?" You did what he said and he looked into your eyes and said  "I'm going to be fine just going to have some burns on my face that's all now go get some sleep with Li and I'll call you guys if I need anything okay." You nodded and gave him a long hug then liam hugged you to his side you guys got home and you just sat on the bed liam said "he'll be fine I promise you." You sighed and said "I hope so I worried about him." He said "well if your not going to sleep than I'm staying up with you even if it's all night." You said "okay." You guys stayed up all night just cuddling.

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