Imagine your child meets his/ her new baby sibling for the first time

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Harry: you were siting in the hospital bed with harry by your side your little daughter was sleeping in her cribe. You and harry were just resting your eyes it was peaceful. Then there was a knock at the door harry said "come in." In came the boys and Carsen, Carsen jumped on to your bed and said "mummy where is she?" You smiled and said "she's over there." Harry went over and got dracy out of her cribe and showed her to Carsen he smiled and harry carefully gave her to Carsen you the boys and harry all stared at the two of them in awe Carsen said "she's mine no one else is allowed to have her especially boys." You guys laughed harry said "that's my boy that's my boy." You smiled you guys were so happy that she was here with you guys.

Liam: you were taking a nap with liam next to you. You woke up when you heard a little cry come from the hospital cribe. Liam got molly and brought her to you he said "I think she's hungry." You smiled and put her in position,after she was done you burped her, after that you just held her in your arms then there was a knock at the door you said "come in." In walks  the boys and Andy, Andy runs to you  and jumps on the bed liam takes molly from you so Andy can hug you he jumps into your arms and you say "hey bud how have you been?" He said "good where is she?" He looked around the room you smiled and said "daddy has her do you want to hold her?" He said "yes please." You sit him on the bed and liam hands her to him he giggled and said "she's tinny." You said "yeah you were just like her." He said "but I'm a big boy now not a baby." Liam said "yes you are." Andy said "but she's not a loud to be a big girl." You liam and the boys laughed, liam said "and why is that?"He said "because then she'll be with boys and I don't like that." You guys laughed again you guys were thrilled that you guys family has growned.

Niall: you were siting on the hospital bed with James the two of you were just resting waiting until Niall came back, then Niall walked In and said "look who I found?" And you saw him holding Brianna and the boys followed behind them he placed Brianna on your bed and you smiled and said "hey bri." She said "hi mommy is that him?" You said "yeah want to hold him?" She nodded and sat on the bed Niall carefully took him from you and handed him to her she giggled and said "he's cute." You smiled happy that she loved him already you knew the two of them were going to be vet close you were so happy that your family has grown and so is Niall everyone stared at the two in awe and then the rest of the day James got passed around to everyone.

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