Imagine telling the boys what your having

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Harry: You were home,Harry and you have already told your families the gender of the baby now it was time to tell the boys, they were over writing new songs you walk into the living room carrying drinks for the boys harry saw and got up to help you he handed all the boys their drinks then he stood next to you and he said "boys do you want to know the gender?" The boys nodded you said "we are having a baby boy." The boys cheered and congratulated you guys they were thrilled they couldn't wait.

Liam: you guys already told your families the gender and now it was time to tell the boys they came over today to hang out. You walked in with snacks and said "I think you guys should cut the cake first." They looked at you confused and you said "what you guys said you wanted to know the gender." Niall cut off the first pice and saw the cake was blue inside he said "you guys are having a boy." you nodded he got up and hugged you and so did the other boys they were so happy and couldn't wait for him to be here.

Louis: Louis and you already told your families now it was time to tell the boys what you guys were having the boys were over for the football(soccor game) and you brought over pink cookies for them and harry caught on right away and said "you guys are having a girl." you nodded he hugged you and lou and so did the others they were so happy they couldn't wait to spoil her.

Niall: Niall and you already told your families you were having a girl now it was time to tell the boys you invited them over for game night you guys were play picturneary and they were trying to gusse what you were drawing then Liam said "baby girl." you nodded and he said "wait you guys are having a baby girl?"you said "yes." He hugged you and Niall and congratulated you guys and so did the other they were so happy to have another girl in the fam.

One direction imagines and BSMМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя