The first time you guys meet

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Louis: you were siting front row at their concert with your best friend,and he kept on looking at you. A guy came over to you during the concert and he was annoying you. You tried to ignore him but he wouldn't leave you alone and Louis saw this and said "excuse me please step away from the young lady in the front." The guy looked at him and said "me." He said "yeah you." He left and went back to his seat you smiled at Louis and mouthed "thank you." to him he smiled at you and whispered something to the secerity gaurd . He nodded at the end of the concert the secerity gaurd asked you to come with him you did you went backstage and saw Louis he smiled at you walked over to you. He asked "what's your name love?" you said "YN." He said "what a lovley name for a beautiful girl like you." You smiled at him and you said "thank you for making that guy get away from me." He said "no problem love." you smiled and he said "call me sometime." He gave me his number and I left and told my friend what happened and that was a start of a beautiful relationship.

Liam: you were walking home from school when the mean girls comes up to you and said "aw look who's walking all by herself." You said "please leave me alone." You tried to walk pass them but they wouldn't aloud you. They said "you aren't going any where." Then a guy behind you said "you better leave her alone before I call the cops." The girls gasped you turned around and gasped to then the girls said "oh my gosh can we have pictures please." He said "sorry girls but no because you were being mean to this girl and picking on her." They said inocently "no we weren't." He said "don't lie." then the girls left you where speechless he said "are you alright babe?" You nodded he asked "what's you name?" you said "YN." he said "well nice to meet you and I'm guessing your a fan."You nodded then He walked with you and you guys talked until you got to your house he said "well give me a call sometime." and he gave you his number and walked away that was a start of a wonderful relationship.

Niall: you were at the mall for a signing for one direction you were so close to them when a girl cut in front of you and you said "excuse me you cut." Niall was watching the whole scen She said "no I was here the whole time." You said "no you weren't." Then paddy came over and said "is there a problem here ladies." The girl in front of you said "yeah this girl cut." Paddy said "did you?" You said "no I didn't she did." She said "no." Then paddy said "I'll have to ask you both to go to the back of the line." I was shocked he took us to the back of the line but before we got there Niall said "Hey wait." Paddy looked over and saw him and he said "this beautiful lady didn't cut but that girl did I saw the whole thing so she should stay where she was and that girl should go to the back." Paddy looked at you and said "is that true?" You said "yeah." He let's you go and Niall took you back to your spot  you said "thanks." He said "no problem beautiful."He then walked back to his spot then it was your turn you said hi to Harry,Louis,and Liam but once you got to Niall you said "thank you so much again." He said "no problem love and give me a call sometime." He wrote something in the book you took and saw it was his number you smiled and that was a start of a wonderful relationship.

Harry: you where working at starbucks in LA and you knew Harry came here a lot but he never came while you were working there but other workers have met him. You were helping a consumer when you saw the tall cruly hair boy walk in and you knew it was him. After the consumer left he came up and said "hi YN can I get a Tea." You looked down at your name tag and said "oh that's how you know my name." you giggled and he chuckled and you said "yeah coming right up." you went to get his tea and when you came back he paid and handed you a pice a paper and said "give me a call sometime beautiful I would love to get to know you more." You smiled at him and he winked and walked away you were in heaven. That was a start of a wonderful relationship.

One direction imagines and BSMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن