Imagine you ask him if he's ready for kids

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Niall: you guys have been married for a year now and you thought it was the right time to have kids you went into the studio which was in your house that was were Niall and the boys were, you walked in and saw they were taken a break you said to Niall "Ni can I speak to you for a moment." He said "yeah sure." He took his guitar off and followed you out into the other room he said "what's up is everything okay?" you said "yeah everything is fine I was just wondering if your ready for kids yet if your not we'll wait." He said "I'm but are you ready or do you think it's to soon?" You smiled and said "I don't think it's to soon we've been married for a year now so I think it's the apporpate time." He smiled and said "want to start now?" and started kissing your neck you moaned and said "that would be perfect but you guys need to work." You pushed him away and he goraned you winked at him and said "tonight let's get some." He shook his head and went back to the studio let's just say that night you guys didn't get that much sleep😉

Harry: you and harry have been married for 2 years now and you guys were all settled down so you thought it was the right time to have kids. You went up behind harry who was on the computer and you put your head on his shoulder he said "yes." you said "are you ready for kids yet?" He looked at you and smiled and said "yeah I'm but are you?" you smiled and said "yeah it's the right time." he got off the computer and lifted you up and said "lets start now." you guys kissed and he brought you up to yours and his bedroom lets just day you guys had some fun😉

Liam: you were at the park with your husband of 3 years liam you guys were walking around just talking you saw all the parents with kids and you thought now was a good time to have one of your own. You said to Liam "do you want kids?" He said "yeah I would love them do you?" you said "yeah do you want one now?" He said "are you ready?" you smiled at him and said "yes I'm." He had a gaint smile on his face you guys got in the car and headed home you guys went up to your bedroom and you guys had a blast;)

Louis: you were babysitting you nice and nefue with you husband of 4 years you loved them to death and you were thinking now it's time for you and louis to have some of your own. Once you put them down for their naps you said to louis "do you want kids like now?" He said "yeah I would love them but are you ready for them?" you smiled at him and climed on top of him and said "I've wanted them all my life." he smiled at you and you guys had a lot of fun😉

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