Imagine mood swings

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Harry: you were watching a sad movie and were bawling your eyes out Harry came home and rushed over to you once he saw you were crying he said "hey what's wrong kitten?" you said "this movie is just so sad." He hugged you closed to him and said "awe kitten." and kissed the top of your head then you guys watched a happy movie and you were laughing and all happy. Then you guys were watching a scary movie and you were getting mad at the people in it.

Liam: you were mad because there was no more chocalate you stomped up to yours and Liam's room and said "Liam James Payne there is no more chocalate!!!!!!!" He said "okay I'll go get you some more." You smiled and said "thank you your the best." He then left and once he came back with the chocalate he saw you on the couch crying he dropped to bag and ran over to you he said "what's wrong?" you said "I thought you left me." He said "no baby I was getting you your chocalate I would never in a million years leave you." He hugged you and kissed you head he gave you your chocalate and you were happy again.

Niall: There was no food in the house you were mad you stomped up to yours and Niall's Bedroom and said "Niall James Horan there is no more food in this house!!!!!!!" He said "okay I'll go get some for you okay." You smiled at him and said "okay." He then was off to the store once he got back he didn't see you so he put the bags down in the kitchen and went up to you guys room and saw you were crying on the bed he rushed over to you and said "princess what's wrong?" you said "I thought you were never coming back because I yelled at you." He said "no princess I was getting you your food and I will never leave you." He hugged you tightly and kissed your head and you guys snuggled and ate food the rest of the day.

Louis: you were upset because you thought louis forgot about you and you were angry about that to. He walked through the door just getting home from the studio you were mad you said "where were you?!?" He said "at the studio." you said "well you couldn't have came home earlier?!?!?"He said "why are you okay?" You then brusted into tears and said "I thought you forgot about me." He said "no baby I would never ever forget about you." He helped you up and hugged you and kissed your head you smiled at him and said "I know you wouldn't." Then the rest of the day you guys watched tv

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