BSM: you sneak out to go somewhere and another boy catches you

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Louis(age 16): you really want to go to a party tonight but your older brother louis said no and since he was going out tonight you thought it was a great idea to sneak out once he left you hopped out the window and ran to your friends car she said "he actually let you come." You said "no I snuck out." She said "you're going to get in so much trouble." I said "I know but it'll be wroth it." you guys got to the party and there were a bunch of celeberties there and you said "I'm screwed." Your friend said "yup you are." You guys walked into the party and the first person you see is Harry so you walk in the other direction and that was to the backyard you were talking with your friends and then your friends stopped you said "I'm busted aren't I." your friends nodded you slowly turned around and saw Liam and Niall you said "this is not what it looks like." Liam said "oh really it looks like to me that you snuck out." You said "um I." Niall said "you are coming with us I think someone would love to know your here." You groaned as they took you to your brother and he wasn't pleased with you, when you guys got home he said "you are grounded for a month that means no phone and no hanging out with friends and no laptop for a month." You said "but." He said "don't make me make it longer." You sighed and got all the stuff he said and gave it to him then you went up to your room and closed the door.

Liam(age 17): your friends invited you to go to a party one of their friends were throwing Liam said no. You didn't listen to him and decided to sneak out once Liam left to go where ever he was going with Sophia you hopped out the window and jumped in your friends car and she said "wow I'm surprised he let you come." You said "he didn't I snuck out." She said "we got a bad bitch here." you rolled you eyes and headed to the party once you got there you notice that Andy was there because it was his sister who was throwing the party. You said "why didn't you tell me this was Andy's sister's party." Your friend said "I didn't know that she was related to him." You guys walked in and you saw sophia and went outside and tried to blend in with the crowded with your friend behind you. There was a tap on you shoulder and you looked up into the green eyes known as Harry's he said "didn't he tell you, you weren't aloud to come." He rose a eyebrow and you sighed and said "yeah." He said "well your brother won't be please with this at all." you said "do we have to tell him can't this be our little secert." He said "sorry love but no I got to tell him." You said "ugh." he brought you over to Liam and he wasn't happy with you at all when you got home you start going up to your room and liam said "not so fast missy." You turned around and headed to the living room and sat on the couch. He said "why?" you said "because I wanted to go." and he said "that is not a good enough answer." He then said "your grounded for 2 months that means no phone laptop and no hanging out with friends and don't try sneaking them in either." You said "fine." and went up to your room and got your phone and laptop then you went up to your room and closed the door.

Harry(age 17):you wanted to go to a club with your friends and Harry said no so after he left to hang out with the boys you snuck out and went to your friends car.

Then you guys headed to the club you were siting at the bar when your friends were drunk you just decided to drink water so you wouldn't get in more trouble you jumped when someone said "well well look who we have here." You turned around and saw Louis taping his foot and raising his eyebrows at you, you said "this is not what it looks like." He said "really because it looks like to me that you snuck out." You sighed knowing you've been caught, Louis said "let's go see your brother."Your groaned knowing this was going to be a long night, he took you over to your brother and he didn't say anything once you guys got to the car he started to leture you about how dangerous this was once you got home he said "your grounded for 3 months no phone laptop or friends for 3 months." You went up to your room and gave him everything he said then you stayed in your room for the rest of the night.

Niall(age 13): you wanted to go the movies with your friends but your brother said no because boys were going to be there and it was a scary movie. You weren't going to listen so once niall left you hoped out the window and started walking to the movie theater you got there and saw your friends and they said "hey you made it." You said "yeah." You were waiting in line when you saw zayn and Perrie zayn said "hi YN." You said "hey z." He said "don't worry I won't tell your brother that your here because I know you snuck out but I won't tell." You sigh in relefe and said "thanks z." He said "no problem."then someone cleared their throat behind you and you saw liam and Sophia and he didn't look happy he said "your brother will not be please." You sighed knowing he's right he took you to your brother and your brother took you to the car and leture the whole way to the car and the whole way home. He said "you are grounded for 5 months that mean no computer,phone or friends and don't you dare and try and sneak your friends into your room." You went up to your room and got your computer and phone and gave it to him and then went back to your room and stayed there for the rest of the night.

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