The Very Eventful Graduation

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I flew in on the late flight and arrived in Los Angeles at about midnight. I was already tired from my own graduation from Julliard but there was no way I was missing Violet's graduation. I hadn't told her I was coming tonight. I wanted to surprise her. I had actually missed my flight earlier and had to be put on this late flight. I picked up my rental car and headed towards her house an hour from the airport.

As I drove I thought about Violet. When I met her at Riot's wedding I had no idea how much she would change my life for the better. Before her I was the guy who never wanted to fall in love. My life revolved around being a player. Since she came in to my world I hadn't been with anyone but her. It was hard to believe that was nine months, and I was totally in love with her. She was my life. I planned to spend the entire summer here with her, but that was a surprise I was saving for later. She didn't know about it yet.

I arrived at Violet's house at a little past one. All I wanted to do was lay on the couch, where I always had to sleep when I visited, and go to close my eyes. I sent Violet a text telling her I was pulling up and I got out of my car. The front door opened and she came running my way. I caught her as she jumped into my arms. It was perfect. The last time I had seen her was in March and it had been a long two months. We had had the same spring break, so after spending every minute together for a week I had missed her like crazy. She had stayed at Riot and Charlotte's so I had practically moved in for the week. I kissed her as I sat her back down on her feet and in that moment nothing else mattered but her.

"Can we go in?" I asked.

"Sure but be quiet. My parents are asleep," Violet whispered.

I had no idea why she was whispering outside but I followed her in as quietly as I could. I hesitated as she pulled my hand towards the stairs. I had been in her room but was never allowed to sleep there if I was visiting. I didn't want to give Rocky any reason to hate me. I had worked hard at being a good boy under his roof. I knew if I went to her bedroom in the middle of the night regardless if anything happen or not I was breaking the rules. I was afraid if I broke that rule I wouldn't be able to stay the summer. I mean I had my trust fund and I could stay in a hotel if I needed to, but I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her.

"I'll just sleep on the couch like normal," I said expecting her to go to the closet and grab me a pillow and a blanket.

"Just come sleep in my room. Seriously I'm eighteen and tomorrow I'll be a high school graduate," she said as she pulled me up the stairs.

I was tired and against my better judgement I let her. I knew it was a bad idea but I wanted to sleep next to her. Holding her in my arms as we slept at Riot's had been the best thing I had felt in a long time. I had never spent the night with a girl before Violet. It had always just been a sex thing. In a way she was my first because she was the first girl I had ever made love to.

In Violet's room I took off my pants leaving on my boxers and my shirt. I climbed into bed next to her and as I laid down she snuggled into my chest. I whispered I love you. I had told her I loved her for the first time spring break. She was the first girl I had ever said it to and she would be the last. I had big plans for our one year anniversary.

I woke up the next morning to Violet kissing my neck. She knew that drove me crazy. She ran her hand up my chest under my shirt and I sat up to pull it over my head. I looked at her and noticed what she was sleeping in, my t-shirt I had left here for her in February. Why had I missed that last night?

It soon joined mine on the floor. She kicked off the covers and straddled me. I pulled her down to kiss me as she ground her hips into me. As much as I wanted her I didn't think I could do this with her parents here. What if they overheard? Or worse just walked in?

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