Before He Cheats

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After the show I looked around for Lance. He was usually waiting for me at the merchandise table. I walked over there through the back hallway and through the door. He wasn't there but I decided to help my cousin Juliet and cousin Emerson's girlfriend, Caroline. There were a few fan boys who wanted me to sign their shirts, so I did. It was cool to meet the fans. That was why both Lance and I loved helping out at the merchandise table.

"Hey guys have you seen Lance?" I asked them as the crowd started to die down.

"No, isn't he usually here helping?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah, that's why I don't understand. What he could be doing?" I wondered out loud.

"Maybe he was just tired tonight or something," Juliet said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

But something didn't seem right about this. He loved this part of the night and getting to interact with fans was his favorite part. I wandered away from the table and down the hall towards the dressing rooms. Maybe Lance was in there and need some TLC. He sometimes liked to make out in the dressing room while we waited for everyone else to be done for the night and let the roadies pack up.

When I got close to his dressing room I noticed Montague and Chapin lurking around the door to Lance's dressing room. As I got closer I noticed Chapin had her phone up to the door and she was recording something.

"What are you two up to?" I asked.

"Nothing," Montague said as Chapin put her phone behind her back.

"Nothing my ass! You little creepers are always up to something," I said.

They moved out from in front of the door and I put my hand on the door knob. I was about to turn it when Montague said, "I wouldn't go in there if I was you."

"Why?" I asked.

Then I heard a girl giggle and some grunting noises. I threw open the door and screamed at the top of my lungs with my fists clenched. Lance jumped up and in the struggle to pull up his pants fell and hit his head on the coffee table. All I could do was stand there and scream.

My screaming of course got other people's attention and soon Lance had an audience. My dad came up to me and stood in front of me as I now screamed in his face. Even though my voice was starting to strain I couldn't stop screaming.

"Violet if you don't calm down your going to damage your vocal cords," I barely heard him say as I continued to scream.

"Violet shut the fuck up!" someone behind me screamed.

I finally stopped screaming and tried to regain my composure. As the girl tried to sneak out of the room I recognized her right away. It was Becky Monroe. I reached out and grabbed a hand full of her hair and slammed her to the ground. Before she could even think about getting up I was on top of her with my knees pinning her arms down. I put my hands around her throat. I could see she was having trouble breathing but I just couldn't stop.

Someone grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back and off of Becky. I turned around to see Lance's hands on my shoulders. I pushed him and he hit the wall behind him.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN!" I yelled in his face.

I stormed off stomping my heels as I did. I heard someone following me and I turned around to see Lance. I just took off my heels and threw them at him. Then I ran out the door that led to the stage. I saw the microphone stand still on the stage and I grabbed it. I headed outside with it.

I walked over to the tour buses ignoring all the fans who called my name as I walked by carrying the mic stand. I found the tour bus with the big LLL on the side and dug the mic stand along the side of it making sure to leave several scratches through the LLL.

I tried the door and the dumbasses had left their tour bus unlocked. Any crazy girl could have walked in and messed with their stuff. I took the mic stand in both hands rammed it into the windows making sure they shattered. I dropped the mic stand and searched for something sharp.

In a drawer in the small kitchen I found a pair of scissors. I went over to Lance's bunk and shredded his blanket and sheets. When I stabbed the pillow over and over feathers went everywhere. Stupid down pillows. I always hated them. I pulled the mattress off his bunk and carved my name into it with the scissors. I left the scissors on the floor and picked up the mic stand again.

I left the tour bus and walked around the front of the bus. I took the mic stand and swung it at one of the headlights. As I was about to hit the other headlight someone grabbed my mic stand. I dropped my hand and let that person hold it. I heard it clatter to the ground beside me.

"Baby girl, I know you're mad and hurt but this is not the answer," my dad said.

I turned around and hugged him I just sobbed in his chest.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Lance screamed as he got on the tour bus.

He got over to me with fire in his eyes. Good he was mad. I wanted him to be as furious as I was. He deserved every bit of that. I had given him so much and he just threw it all away, for a slut like Becky Monroe no less.

"You little bitch!" Lance said.

"I'd back off if I was you," my dad said.

"Are you threatening me old man?" Lance challenged.

"Lance back off," his dad said behind him. "Let the cops handle it."

"Great Joe you called the cops?" my dad asked.

"Hell yeah did you see all the damage she did inside?"

"No, I just caught her smashing the headlights," my dad confessed.

The cops showed up and assessed the damage I had done to the tour bus. They took my statement and talked to Lance and his dad.

"I don't want to press charges," Lance said out of the blue.

"What?" his dad asked.

"You heard me. You didn't pay for the bus. Triple L did and I don't want to press charges. We can just have it fixed. It's not like we don't have the money to do it," Lance said.

"Whose name is on the deed to the bus?" the cop asked.

"Actually if you look at the deed to the bus it says it belongs to R5 Family Records," my dad said.

"Then does the owner of R5 Family Records want to press charges?" the cop asked.

"No we don't," my dad said.


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