Book Club, Kugel, and Baby Talk

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I stood on my tiptoes and put the last glass in the cabinet. I was proud of me and Bentley for buying this house all on our own. I had been saving up as soon as I finished school and started my nursing job and Bentley had been doing some acting jobs here and there. It was small but it was ours.

Bentley came up behind me and put his arms around me. He started kissing my neck and I threw my head back resting it on his shoulder. He continued to kiss my neck and I let out a little moan. I lifted my head from his shoulder and turn around to face him. He brought his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. My body responded as he deepened the kiss and his hands roamed up my back under my shirt.

"We still need to christen the kitchen," he whispered in my ear after he pulled apart from the kiss.

I smiled. He wanted to have sex in every room in the house. We had done it in all three bedrooms, both bathrooms and the living room, even on the stairs. The kitchen was the only room left, but we didn't have time. I glanced over at the clock on the stove and saw that it was already five o'clock.

"We can't Juliet and Christian will be here for dinner in an hour," I said.

"That's plenty of time for you to throw me over the counter and fuck me," Bentley said.

I laughed and shook my head. Bentley's sexual appetite was far more than mine. If I'd give in he could have sex three or four times a day. I kissed him and just as I was about to give in there was a knock on the door. It was too early for Juliet and Christian so I had no idea who it could be.

Bentley ran off like an excited kid to answer it. I stood in the kitchen and leaned against the counter. I heard him open the door and then a female voice spoke.

"Hi I'm Miranda and I live next door. I just wanted to welcome you and your wife to the neighborhood."

I actually laughed out loud. I pushed myself off the counter and went into the living room where the front door was. I walked up behind Bentley and smiled at Miranda.

"Hey babe who's this?" I asked trying to sound innocent.

"This is Miranda our next door neighbor. Miranda this is my husband Romeo," Bentley introduced us.

She just stared for a minute like a deer caught in head lights. She looked really confused like she'd never seen a gay couple before. No one spoke and the silence was awkward. She looked away then at the ground. Then as if she gained her composure she looked back up at us.

"Well I have book club on Tuesdays and was going to invite your wife. But..." she trailed off.

"Well as much as I'd love to that's more Bentley's cup of tea. He is home more than I am since I work and he doesn't," I said smiling at her widely.

"Okay so Bentley I'd love for you to come?" Miranda said. "The girls will love this!"

"Okay what are we reading?" Bentley asked.

"The Help," Miranda answered.

I started laughing. I wasn't sure if Bentley had ever read it but it was a good book. I had read it while I was on house arrest. I had actually read just about every book in our house but that was beside the point.

"Okay I'll go to the book store and buy it tonight," Bentley said like he was actually excited.

"Cool I'll see you Tuesday," Miranda said. "It was nice to meet the two of you."

"Nice to meet you too," Bentley said as we watched her leave.

As soon as the door shut, Bentley slammed me up against it and pinned my hands over my head. The smile on his face told me he wanted to pick up where we left off when Miranda knocked on the door. He was so sweet trying to be aggressive and I tried not to laugh at him. Everyone knew I was the top in this relationship and it's the way both of us liked it.

He kissed me roughly and nipped my lower lip with his tongue. He was pulling out all the stops now because he knew that was a big turn on for me. I pulled away from his kiss and brought my lips to his neck. I nudged his shirt collar with my nose and sucked hard where his neck met his collarbone. He moaned my name and loosened his grip on my hands. In one swift move I got my hands free and pinned him against the door. I mimicked his actions by holding his hands above his head. He licked his lips. I kissed him lightly as I ground my hips into his. Just when I knew I had him right where I wanted him, I stepped back. I turned on my heels and walked away leaving him panting at the door.

"Where are you going?" Bentley whined.

"To shower before my sister and her fiancée come over," I said without stopping or turning around. As I reached the stairs I heard his footsteps behind me.

At ten after six, Juliet arrived late like always. She handed me the casserole dish with some type of noodle stuff in it. I stared at it through the shrink wrap. It smelled amazing. I could smell the cinnamon in it. I looked at Christian as I took it from Juliet.

"It's Noodle Kugel. It just needs to be heated in the oven," Christian explained.

"A what?" Bentley said from behind me.

"A Kugel," Christian said as we walked into the kitchen.

"What the fuck is a Kugel?" Bentley asked.

"That," Christian said pointing to the dish as I put it in the oven.

As soon as the Kugel and salad were done and the table was set we sat down to eat. I wanted to get right into why we had asked them here specifically and not with everyone else in my family. My family, Zendaya, and Bella were coming over for dinner tomorrow. I was so nervous to ask her what we wanted to ask her I could barely enjoy the delicious meal Christian had prepared. He was an amazing cook.

"So we have something we want to ask you," Bentley started as he pulled out the brownies he had made earlier.

"Okay you guys know you can ask me anything," Juliet said.

"We want to have a baby and since that is not physically possible we want to know if you'll be our surrogate," Bentley just came right out and said it.

"How would that work?" Christian asked.

"Well Bentley would be the baby's biological dad and Juliet would be artificially inseminated with his sperm. Then she would carry the baby for us," I explained.

"So would she be involved in the baby's life after that?" Christian asked.

"We want the two of you involved as little or as much as you want to be but we want our names on the baby's birth certificate as the parents. When the baby is older we can decide together what to tell him or her," I said.

Juliet was still silent. Tears began to well up in her eyes. I wasn't sure what that meant and it scared me a little. This conversation had the potential to go wrong fast. She could tell us no and then we would have to find another way. But this was the only way we could come up with that the baby was a part of both of us. Who better to be the baby's biological mother than my twin sister?

"I would be honored," Juliet said as her lip shook from crying.

"So looks like we're having a baby," Christian said.

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