Just Do It

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3rd person POV

"In honor of Fender and Riot's last game with us before they join the ranks of adulthood, I have made up a special game. Tonight we also have four new players, Nick, Charlotte, Bentley, and Hailey. The game is called Just Do It. Like all the others, the rules are simple. You draw a piece of paper from bowl number one and you do what it says. If the paper you choose requires another person you draw a name from bowl number two. If you refuse to do the dare you have to go ask a parent of your choice to Just Do It," Dacia explained.

"Should I be scared?" Nick asked.

"Probably," Riot said. "She's crazy when it comes to these games."

"I'll go first," Dacia said as she drew from the first bowl. "Make out with someone against the wall."

"Hope you don't get someone you're related too," Romeo laughed.

Dacia drew from the second bowl and read the name, "Dash."

Both Dacia and Dash got up and went over to the nearest wall. They locked eyes. Dacia hesitated as she watched Dash. Dash just went for it. He pinned her against the wall and kissed her.

"Okay that's enough," Savannah said.

Dash stepped away and Dacia just stood against the wall. Her knees were too weak to step away at the moment. Dash's kisses always had that effect on her. He was such an amazing kisser. Lachlan's kisses had never affected her the way Dash's do.

"Dash you're next," Dacia said as she came back and sat down next to him.

Dash drew from the bowl, "Sing a song by one of our parents."

He thought a minute and decided to pick one of his mom's songs. "The whole song?"

"Just the chorus will do," Dacia said.

"Cause we're young and we're reckless

We'll take this way too far

It'll leave you breathless

Or with a nasty scar

Got a long list of ex-lovers

They'll tell you I'm insane

But I got a blank space baby

And I'll write your name," Dash sang.

Everyone clapped.

Dash rolled his eyes. "Nick your next."

Nick swished his hand around in the bowl. He drew one and read, "For the rest of the game talk like someone of the opposite sex than you."

"Aw dude that sucks!" Riot said. "You don't have a girly bone in your body."

"I can do this," Nick said in his best girl voice making everyone laugh.

Violet picked quickly and read, "Lick another player's armpit."

"I may puke if I have to watch that," Charlotte said.

"I'm just gonna go for it. What the hell do I have to lose?" Violet asked.

"A mouth that smells like armpit," Cameron laughed.

"Fender likes me to lick his armpits," Audrey announced.

"Dude that is nasty!" Romeo said.

"Anyway," Violet said as she picked a name from the other bowl. "Nick."

Nick took off his shirt and put his hand behind his head exposing his armpit. Violet was distracted for a second by his chest. He had a nice body. She had to fight the urge to reach out and touch his chest. She sighed and got close to his armpit. She just stuck her tongue out and licked it.

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