Dash to the Rescue

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We had been on this tour for a month now. A month of watching her, waiting for her to dump that asshole she called her boyfriend. She just wanted to be my friend but I wanted to be the one she kissed. Being just her friend was getting harder and harder. I wanted to tell her how I felt but he was always in the way. Today though he was doing an interview and I had Dacia all to myself.

"Hey Dacia we should hang out since Lachlan is gone all day," I suggested as we sat in her tour bus.

I sat on the couch. Cameron and Embry were across from me, on Embry's bunk. I wondered how Dacia and I got stuck "chaperoning" them. I could honestly give two fucks less what they did when they were alone. I got the feeling Dacia didn't care much either. She came over and sat next to me.

"And do what?" she said.

"Anything is better than sitting here watching them make out all day," I said as I motioned to Cameron ad Embry.

"Yeah do they ever come up for air?" Dacia asked.

"You could just go and leave us alone on here," Embry said.

That was the best idea I had heard all day. I wanted Dacia to myself. No jealous boyfriend or gay cousins to watch over. I doubted she would agree to that though. She was the kind of girl who always did what she was told, well except for the crazy games. I looked at Dacia and she looked like she was thinking about it. Please say yes, I thought to myself.

"What would you do alone all day?" Dacia asked.

Oh my god was she really that innocent? If she became my girl there were so many things I'd have to teach her. I knew she kissed Lachlan. I had seen them a few times. I also knew a month ago she was still a virgin and from that question I knew that was still the case.

"Do we need to draw you a picture Dacia?" Cameron asked.

"A picture of what?" she asked.

"Really Dacia," I sighed. "They want to be alone so they can christen the tour bus."


Wow there was no other way to put this. I was going to have to come out and say it. I loved how innocent she was though. I realized I needed to move fast before Lachlan had the chance to take that away from her. I wanted to be the one to do that.

"Dacia, they want to have sex," I explained.

"OH," her mouth dropped open when she said it. "But Uncle Ross doesn't want them left alone."

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," Embry said.

We finally convinced Dacia to come with me and she and I left them on the bus. She and I snuck off making sure no one saw us. We had a concert tonight and there were some fans out by the front of the bus.

"Dash, come over here!" they screamed.

Dacia and I walked over to them. I loved talking to the fans. I could tell Dacia was a little uncomfortable though. I didn't understand why. I loved all the attention. She was so shy around everyone. No wonder Lachlan dominates her the way he does. I was going try and get her out of that shell today and let her be herself.

"You two make such a cute couple," a red headed girl said.

"We are just friends," Dacia said.

"So are you dating anyone Dash?" another girl asked.

"No," I answered. I only had eyes for one girl though and she was standing next to me.

"So Dacia are you seeing someone?" the only guy in the group of ten fans asked.

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