Kissing Her Again

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We sat at the dinner table waiting for Romeo's co-star and her dad to join us. Romeo kept looking at me and smiling like he knew something I didn't. I looked around at everyone else trying avoid Romeo's look. He was making me nervous for some reason.

My parents were whispering to each other and smiling. They were so embarrassing. I really hoped my dad didn't start with his stupid jokes. Ryssa, Dacia, and Violet were giggling over every guy in the room the thought was hot. Embry and Cameron were holding hands under the table. I smiled at them. They thought they were hiding it, but everyone knew.

Then she walked in. We made eye contact and I knew she remembered me like I remembered her. I thought I would never see her again, but she was coming my way. I glanced up at her dad and he rolled his eyes at me. My mom turned to see what I was looking at and spit water all over my dad.

Romeo stood up to pull out her chair, and I cursed myself. Why hadn't I thought of that? He had purposely made her sit next to me. I glared at him. We will have words later!

"Everyone this is my co-star Caroline Prescott and her dad Jack," Romeo said, and then he went through everyone's' names.

"Y'all are gonna have to wear nametags," Caroline joked.

God, her accent was so cute. It was a southern accent like she was from deep down south. I jumped when her hand made contact with my thigh. I was glad she remembered me too. All I could think about was getting her alone so I could kiss her again. This time without all the prying eyes of my family.

"So Caroline where are you from?" my mom asked.

I mentally thanked my mom for thinking to ask. She's the best mom ever.

"Biloxi, Mississippi," Caroline answered.

All through dinner the conversation flowed like always. I found out Caroline was an only child and I thought that must be very lonely. I couldn't imagine it only being me. Her mom had left when she was three and it has been just her and her dad ever since. They moved to California after she got the Disney Channel part.

"Well, I'm tired. I'm going back to the cabin. Are you coming Caroline?" her dad asked her.

"Is it okay if I hang out with them a little more?" she asked.

"I don't have a problem with it, but you know the rules. Stay in a group. You can't be alone with Emerson," he warned her.

"Yes, daddy," Caroline said innocently.

I got the impression that it was an act. She wasn't as innocent as she wanted him to believe. I knew it would be easy to talk her into slipping away from the group.

"So what are you kids going to do?" my Aunt Raelyn asked.

"I thought maybe we'd go hang out in the teen club for a while," Romeo suggested. "Well those of us who are old enough anyway."

We all left and made our way to the teen club. When we walked the music was really loud unlike earlier in the day when it was all about hanging out and video games. We found a big table in the back. Cameron dragged Embry to the dance floor and we all smiled at each other. They were so adorable.

"So they're together right?" Caroline asked.

"Not officially," Juliet said. "Embry is afraid to just come out."

"But you all know?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah, we've known for a while now," Violet answered. "They don't know we know though."

"It's pretty obvious," Caroline said as she watched them dancing together. "I'm a perfect stranger, and I can see it."

I looked over and they were getting closer and closer as they danced. I lost sight of them as we started a conversation about music. We talked about what kind of music we liked. I noticed Dacia's eyes get really big as she looked towards the bar behind me.

We all turned to see what she was looking at and stared in shock. Embry and Cameron were kissing, intimate kissing. I felt like I was invading a private moment watching. Cameron pulled away and they came back to the table hand in hand, grinning from ear to ear.

"Aw...Cambry forever," Savannah gushed.

"Yeah dude, it's about damn time," Fender teased.

"You all know?" Embry asked.

"Yes," we all said in unison.

I grabbed Caroline's hand under the table and laced our fingers together.

"Let's get out of here," Caroline whispered in my ear.

I just slid out of the booth and didn't say a word to anyone. It was late as we headed down the deck. There was hardly anyone outside. We stopped by the railing and looked out into the ocean. The breeze blew a piece of Caroline's hair in her face and I reached up and tucked it behind her ear. My hand lingered on her cheek and she leaned into my touch.

I slowly touched my lips to hers. I had been waiting to kiss her all night. I had thought about her often over the past few months. She put her hand in my hair and pulled me closer. I took my hands and placed them on her hips. I wasn't very skilled at this and I honestly had no idea where to place my hands.

She pulled apart first and I wrapped my arms around her. She put her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. It felt good just to hold her in my arms. I was enjoying the moment just the two of us on the deck when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I had this creepy feeling that we were being watched.

"You know, Caroline's daddy wouldn't like it if he saw these pictures."

I jerked my head around and saw Chapin and Montague grinning at us like the Cheshire Cat. Chapin had her cell phone in her hand and she was waving it at me.

"You have until the count of five to run before I tell mom and Aunt Victoria you're out of bed," I said to Chapin and Montague.

Chapin glared at me. When she didn't move I started to count. "One, two, three..."

As she started to run I reached out and snatched her cell phone from her hand. I didn't know the password to delete the photos, but at least I had the only evidence. Then I press the on button and realized it wasn't Chapin's phone.

"Fuck," I said under my breath.

"What?" Caroline asked.

"This isn't her phone. It's my mom's."

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