This Is My Home Now

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Bentley and Romeo sat in the kitchen with me as I made them something to eat. They told me all about their trip. It really seemed like they had a lot of fun. I let Romeo know I was in on Bentley's proposal plan. I laughed so hard when Bentley said Romeo's answer was okay.

Just as the boys were about to eat their sandwiches Romeo's phone rang. It was sitting on the breakfast bar so we all saw it was Ross. He put it on speaker phone and answered it. Here was the moment of truth.

"Hi, dad," Romeo said.

"Hi did you have a good time?" Ross asked.

"Yeah I'll have to tell you all about it sometime," Romeo said back smiling.

"Well it's time to come home. Curfew was an hour ago," Ross said.

"About that, I am home."

"No you are still at Bentley's," Ross argued.

We all smiled. This was going to get ugly fast. I expected Ross to flip out. I listened to the rest of the conversation trying not to laugh.

"Exactly this is my home now," Romeo said as he held his breath.

"What does that mean? Bella didn't take you to raise. You need to come home and stop playing around," Ross said.

I could tell by his the tone in his voice he was getting mad. Romeo needed to stop beating around the bush and get it over with. The faster he told his dad the faster we could all go to bed. I was sure the boys were tired and I still needed to show them the guest house where I had moved all Bentley's things.

"I'm going to stay here with my husband," Romeo blurted out.

"OH HELL NO!" Ross yelled and hung up.

"Five, four, three, two, one," all three of us counted.

Sure enough there was a knock on the door. I walked slowly to the door and opened it. "Well hello Ross, to what do I owe this visit at one am?"

"Where the fuck is my son?" Ross asked.

"In the kitchen," I answered.

He stormed past me and into the house. I followed him to the kitchen and leaned up against the counter. He just stood there for a few minutes glaring at Romeo. Romeo purposely picked up his sandwich with his left hand and took a bite. I laughed because I thought Ross' eyes were going to pop out of his head.

"Romeo Shor Lynch, stop playing around and let's go home. This joke isn't funny," Ross said.

"It's Romeo Shor McBride-Lynch now," Romeo sassed.

Bentley got up and walked out of the kitchen a minute. I wondered what he was doing. I stared at the doorway he had just left until he returned with a piece of paper in his hand. He handed it to Ross. Ross took it and it shook in his hand. I swear I saw steam coming off of his head as he read it.

"Did you know about this?" Ross asked me.

"Yeah, I helped Bentley plan it," I confessed.

"So you're just gonna move in here now?" Ross asked turning to look at Romeo.

"I fixed up the guest house for them to live in," I said.

Ross sighed. "I guess your both eighteen and there's nothing I can do about this. Although let it be known I am not happy about this at all!"

"I love you too dad," Romeo said.

Ross rolled his eyes because he seemed to know Romeo was trying to be a smartass. This was going better than I thought it would. To my surprise Ross was being very adult about it. I watched as he came over and hugged Romeo.

"When did you grow up? I miss my little boy," Ross said as he pulled away. "And I love you too."

We all watched him leave and heard the door slam. Romeo let out the breath he was holding and slumped in to his hands. Just as he was putting his plate in the sink his phone buzzed.

He sent a text back then looked up to see us watching him. "Sorry that was my mom. I guess my dad told her. She was just saying we needed to talk tomorrow but at least she congratulated us."

I took them out back to the guest house and gave them the keys. As I turned to go back in the house Bentley grabbed my wrist. I turned around to look at him with tears in my eyes. My baby was growing up whether I like it or not. Even though I loved the man he had become I missed my little boy sometimes.

"Thanks for everything mom," he said as he hugged me. "I love you."

"I love you too baby," I said as I hugged him back.

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