Bye Bye Triple L

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"Dacia you need to go get ready. Valerie already knows what to with your makeup," I said as I came into the kitchen of the venue.

I waited for her to leave and I turned to look at Dash. I noticed there were tears in his eyes. I felt bad for him. I have known for a while he had feelings for Dacia. I touched his hand.

"I feel like this is my fault," Dash said as a sob escaped his chest.

I tried to blink back my own tears. I didn't know exactly what happened today. All I knew was Lachlan had gotten way out of hand and something needed to be done.

"Why do you think it was your fault?" I asked.

"If I hadn't have suggested we hang out today none of this would have happened," he admitted.

"Dash listen to me. Lachlan was a time bomb. I was going to talk with Dacia about him tonight. I saw where this was going," I said to him. "It was not your fault. You were just being her friend."

"I want to be more than her friend," Dash confessed.

"I know Dash. Everyone knows but her. Just be there for her. She's gonna need someone to talk to and I know you've been through what she's going through," I said.

"Wait how do you know that?" he asked.

"Your mother brought Lachlan's behavior to my attention and told me."

"Oh Dash there you are. Baby you need to get ready you're on in twenty minutes," Taylor said from the doorway.

"Okay," he said as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"What happened?" Taylor asked.

"Lachlan exploded," I answered.

"Oh sorry. I was hoping we could stop that train wreck before it happened," she said.

"Yeah me too. By the way after the concert we're having a board meeting in my tour bus," I said.

"Okay," Taylor agreed.

I went about my pre-concert business. I laid out the clothes for the boys in their dressing room and went to ask Valerie if she could help Triple L. I just couldn't face Lachlan right now. She was reluctant but agreed. She understood my hate for Lachlan was still fresh. I helped Ryssa, Violet and Dacia with their hair. Valerie had done an amazing job covering the bruise forming on Dacia's face.

Once 4Ever and a Day was ready to go on I set off to find all the adults to tell them about the board meeting. I didn't want to have to do this but Triple L was out of control. We had enough of our own problems to deal with and certainly didn't need the added drama they were causing.

After the concert the kids went about their business of selling merchandise and helping breakdown the stage with the roadies. I went to the tour bus and all the adults were already there.

"Okay I have called this meeting to discuss the recent events that happened today," I began.

"What happened?" Riker asked.

"Lachlan hit Dacia," Ellington said. "Then Nick asked what did she do to provoke him?"

"This is not the first incident involving a member of Triple L. A few weeks ago we had the whole Lance and Violet situation and now this. I can't have the three of them walking all over the girls the way they have been doing. So as much as I hate to say it. We need to put there dismissal to a vote. We just can't afford the damage control," I said.

"Don't you think that's an unfair advantage? No matter what the vote goes in your favor," Nick said.

"Well, I personally am pulling Marianna from the tour and considering a record deal elsewhere. She is not happy here," Selena announced.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Selena. Marianna is a very talented young lady. We will miss her," Valerie said.

"So let's vote," Ross said.

"Whatever," Nick said angrily.

"All those in favor of dismissing Triple L from R5 Family Records raise your hand," I said.

Everyone but Nick and Kevin raised their hands. Nick looked at Joe and gave him a dirty look.

"What? I know my son is a trouble maker but he didn't hit a girl," Joe said. "That's unacceptable."

"Oh and using girls for sex is okay?" Nick asked.

"Look. I'm not condoning what he did. It was wrong and I didn't know the extent of it until that night. I agree with them though. I need to take some time and rethink the decisions I made about starting this group in the first place," Joe stated.

"Can we bring the boys in and talk to them?" Ross asked. "They should hear this."

"They should all be back at the tour bus now. I'll get them," Joe volunteered.

"I'll leave so there's more room," Valerie said.

"I'll come too," Taylor said.

Jacob followed them off the bus.

"Well this is good bye. I'll be in touch with my decision soon," Selena said as she left too.

Joe came back a few minutes with Lachlan, Liam, and Lance. I felt bad for them for a second. This sort of felt to me like what the Disney Channel had done to Romeo, only his trouble was much worse than any of this. We just couldn't get this kind of reputation attached to us. Violet had already been recorded by fans destroying the side of the Triple L tour bus with the mic stand. I was just glad they had no idea what she had done inside.

"As of this minute your contract with R5 Family Records is null and void. The behavior you have exhibited over the past few weeks is unacceptable and will not be tolerated anymore. We wish you the best of luck in the future. We will pay for your expenses home but that is the last business you will ever have with us," Ellington said.

"Wait you're going to punish me because of serial cheater and the abusive dick head. That is not fair. I didn't do anything wrong," Liam argued.

"Really? Oh yeah Liam you're a fucking saint!" Lance huffed.

"Fine, Riker I would like to stay. For the past few months Ryssa and I have been seeing each other. She didn't want to tell you because I'm nineteen and she's only seventeen. I could just help out like all the others," Liam confessed.

Everyone looked at Riker. I was going to leave that one up to him. I know he was very protective over Ryssa. He had also always said she wasn't allowed to date till she was eighteen. She has never had a boyfriend so I thought he was serious about that one.

"Fine, but same rules apply as with Cameron and Embry you are to be chaperoned at all times," Riker said.

"But I'm an adult," Liam said.

"Take it or leave it. You want to stay those are my rules and I think you definitely need to be chaperoned for the simple fact that you are an adult and she is not," Riker said.

"Agreed," Liam said.

"When she is eighteen in three weeks I may consider lifting the chaperone rule," Riker added.

"This board meeting is adjourned," I said.


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