Another Bi-curious Teenage Boy

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In the kitchen, I stood in the corner and watched everyone. Cameron and Embry were kissing by the sink. There was a hickey on Embry's neck that was visible from a mile away. I knew Embry liked it rough. Dacia and Dash were arguing about something. Embry's brother Romeo and his husband, who had some car name I couldn't recall, where standing next to Cameron and Embry. Romeo's husband was blowing the neck of his beer bottle and Romeo was watching like he wanted him to do it to him. Hell if he could suck like he was sucking on that beer bottle I was game too. There were some other people from school in the kitchen too. I watched everyone and then he walked in.

I wanted him so bad but he was always attached to her hip. He would never give me the time of day. I sighed as I watched him bend over and grab two beers from the fridge. He handed one to her. No one except Embry and Grant knew I was attracted to guys but Grant was so drunk at that party I doubt he even remembered. I had always had a secret crush on Peyton Hemsworth. There was no way he would ever be into me though.

"So Hailey who do you challenge?" Peyton asked as he lined up eight shot glasses on each side of the table and filled them with liquor.

"Harper," Hailey said.

"No, hell no! She is fine with the beer and dad would kill me if I brought her home drunk," Christian refused for her.

"Christian I can speak for myself, and I accept," Harper said as she walked up to the bar.

"Dude keep a very close eye on her afterwards and don't let her out of your sight," Embry warned.

Hailey glared at him and I laughed softly from the corner. I doubted little innocent Harper Styles was going to do anything. She didn't even have a boyfriend. But I guess if she was drunk enough who knew what would happen. My money was on Hailey. She was a natural at this game.

"Ready go," Peyton said.

I was so focused on how handsome he was and how sexy his voice was as he explained the rules to Harper. I wasn't paying attention to the game. My jeans grew tighter as I imagined touching him. I licked my lips and tried to look away with no luck.

"Dude he's not gay," Embry said from bedside me making me jump.

"I know but he's so hot," I said.

"I gotta agree but you don't have a snowballs chance in hell," Embry said.

"Stop," someone yelled. "Harper drooled. She loses!"

"That was only three shots, and Hailey had five down," Christian said.

"Up for another one Hailey?" Cameron asked.

"What with you?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah," Cameron answered.

Embry and I watched as the shot glasses Harper had drank from were replaced with fresh ones and filled. I knew Cameron's sucking skills were legendary. I had even walked in on him going down on Embry at a party once. It was one of those epic moments that will be etched in my brain forever.

Peyton said go and Cameron slammed back all eight shots in less than five minutes. When he put the last shot glass back on the table he walked over to where Embry and I were standing and kissed Embry. I envied them. They were so in love and so sure of who they were. I wanted a relationship like that but I was struggling so badly with my sexuality.

"And we have a new winner, congratulations Cameron for getting the title back," Peyton said.

"Thanks for all the practice baby," Cameron said to Embry.

I smiled as Embry blushed because Cameron had said it loud enough for everyone to hear. I walked away as they started to make out. I knew from some things Embry had said Cameron got frisky when he was drinking. I went into the living room and it seemed like everyone was hooking up with someone but me. I had never felt so alone.

I went outside and stood on the porch. Dash and Dacia were outside in the swing just swinging with their arms around each other. I could tell the fight from earlier was a distant memory for them. I sighed as I walked around to the side of the porch. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Savannah and Peyton fighting. She slapped him and stormed off.

He noticed me and I could see her hand print on the side of his face as he looked at me. He turned back to look out over the railing into the yard. Then all of a sudden he screamed really loud like he was frustrated and punched the pole next to him really hard. He pulled his hand back quickly and clutched it to his chest. I rushed over to make sure he was okay.

"I don't think you broke it," I said holding his hand in mine.

"Oh that's right you're doing that EMT thing like Embry right?" he asked.

My heart started beating faster and I could hear it roaring in my ears. Just being this close to him was having a major effect on me. I let go of his hand and he shook it. I wanted to say something but I couldn't form words. I swallowed hard. Peyton turned to look at me and I realized I was standing a little too close to him as I felt his breath on my face.

Then he kissed me. I was in shock for a minute and it took me a few seconds to realize what was happening. He pushed me against the pole as I started to kiss him back. As he pulled away and looked at me my first thought was to go rub this in Embry's face. I pulled him into another kiss instead.

"What the fuck!" Savannah yelled. "I came back to apologize after talking to Embry and you have your tongue down his throat."

"Baby this is not what it looks like," Peyton said reluctantly pulling away from me.

"I hate that fucking expression! What is it supposed to look like? You're making out with another guy! Are you gay?" Savannah asked.

Peyton sighed. I was on pins and needles waiting for his answer. So was Savannah for that matter. She was yelling and that was drawing a crowd. Embry made eye contact with me and I smiled at him then stuck my tongue out at him.

"No...I don't know...I was just curious," he stammered.

"Be careful with curiosity dude it got me a husband," Romeo said.

"That's it I love you but I'm done!" Savannah said as she stormed off.

Peyton turned and looked at me. I could see the struggle in his eyes. "I'm sorry. That kiss was amazing but I love her."

"Go after her," I said even though it broke my heart.


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