I Think I Love You

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I had this all planned out and I hoped I could pull it off this time without an interruption. I knew Juliet was sitting with Layla and Gabi at their usual table by the door. The same door I was now standing outside. I had the ring box in my jacket pocket. As I stood outside the door and waited for my cue I put my hand inside my pocket and clutched the ring box in my hand. Dash had agreed to come and play the guitar for me. I went in and sat down by Juliet. She turned to me and gave me a light kiss. I tried to control my shaking hands as I looked at Dash, who was across the cafeteria.

He started to play and Layla and Gabi started singing ba, ba, ba. Then I started singing:

"I'm sleeping

And right in the middle of a good dream

Like all at once I wake up

From something that keeps knockin' at my brain.

Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head

And spring up in my bed

Screaming out the words I dread:

"I think I love you!"

I jumped up on the table never stopping the song.

"This morning

I woke up with this feeling

I didn't know how to deal with

And so I just decided to myself

I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it

And didn't I go and shout it

When you walked into my room.

"I think I love you!"

"I think I love you.

So what am I so afraid of?

I'm afraid that I'm not sure of

A love there is no cure for.

I think I love you.

Isn't that what life is made of?

Though it worries me to say

I've never felt this way."

"I don't know what I'm up against.

I don't know what it's all about.

I got so much to think about.

Hey, I think I love you.

So what am I so afraid of?

I'm afraid that I'm not sure of

A love there is no cure for.

I think I love you.

Isn't that what life is made of?

Though it worries me to say

I've never felt this way.

Believe me,

You really don't have to worry.

I only want to make you happy

And if you say,

"Hey, go away, " I will, but I think better still

I'd better stay around and love you."

I kneeled down on one knee in front of her, pulled the box out of my pocket and held it out towards her. I opened it up as I continued singing.

"Do you think I have a case?

Let me ask you to your face:

Do you think you love me?

I think I love you."

She had tears in her eyes. I honestly had never seen so much emotion from her. I had certainly never seen her cry. Everyone was standing up looking at us and I knew I had the attention of the whole cafeteria. It didn't help my nerves much and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Juliet will you marry me?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"Yes!" she screamed a little too loudly.

As I put the ring on her finger she crawled up on the table with me and kissed me. People were applauding behind us but I was lost in the kiss. She pulled away first and looked at me smiling through her tears. We sat down and the attention died down around us. I watched as she showed the ring off to Layla and Gabi and rolled my eyes as they got excited about it.

"Girls are weird," Dash said beside me low enough for only me to hear.

"I know right," I said.

"Dude that was an epic proposal. I hope I can top it, but I literally can't think of a good way to propose to Dacia," Dash confessed.

"So you're gonna ask her to marry you?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm having dinner with Ellington tomorrow," he said like he was nervous.

"Good luck, I'm sure he won't say no," I tried to reassure him.

Ross on the other hand had acted like he wasn't going to give me his blessing. He gave me a really hard time and I knew he didn't want to face the fact another one of his children would be getting married. Romeo had gotten married in Vegas and Bentley had never asked Ross' permission to ask Romeo to marry him. Cameron had been the first and I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation. Embry had been planning the wedding for months now and it was all Juliet could talk about. Now she had our wedding to plan.

I glanced over at her and her friends and they were already planning. They were talking about colors and flowers and setting a date. Wow that escalated fast, I thought to myself as I looked at my phone for the time. I had to be to class in ten minutes across campus.

"I gotta go babe," I said to Juliet.

She turned and looked at me. She reached out and touched my face with her hand. We just sat there and smiled at each other. Minutes ticked away but I didn't care. Nothing else besides the woman in front of me mattered. I loved her more than anything else in the world.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too," I said as I kissed her softly and got up to leave.

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