The Truth Comes Out

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I was in the elevator going down to the gangplank with my parents and a bunch of other people. Some of which I knew and some I didn't. My mom and I were standing in the back of the elevator with my dad in front of us. She nudged me and motioned to him with one hand. I knew she wanted me to tell him what I had told her last night. We had had a long conversation about some things in my life and all she had said was that she already knew and was just waiting for me to tell her. I looked at her with a scared look on my face. I had asked her if she would tell him and she thought he would take it better coming from me.

I took my phone from my pocket and brought up my text messages. I knew this was the coward's way to tell him. I should sign it when he was facing me but I just couldn't. I could see the look on my mom's face as I typed the message. She wasn't happy I was doing it this way but it was happening. What could he do to me in a crowded elevator?

I just wanted to tell you I'm gay, I hit send before I could change my mind.

The light on the back of his phone flashed and I knew he felt it vibrate. He looked at it and then turned around to look at me. Instead of looking down like I wanted to, I challenged him by looking him in the eyes. I broke eye contact first and looked down at his phone. I was shocked when my phone vibrated in my hand.

So how long have you been fucking Brady? He sent back.

You knew? I signed.

I'm not stupid Tony. I see the way you look at each other. He signed back.

I sighed as he turned back around and the elevator doors opened. As we stepped off the elevator I thought about what had just happen. It hadn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had expected him to forbid me to see Brady or to blame Brady for turning me gay or something like that. Not this person who just accepted it. I could tell he wasn't happy about it. To be honest their acceptance kind of pissed me off. If they knew why didn't they ask me about it? Why didn't they say something?

At the wedding reception, I walked up to Brady and stood beside him. Without thinking he laced his fingers in mine and looked at me confused when I didn't immediately pull away. That was when I kissed him right there in front of everyone. At that moment I didn't care who was watching. I wanted to out myself. He pulled away first and looked at me smiling.

He dropped my hand and I was going to protest until he started to sign, Does this mean they know?

Yes, my parents know I'm gay and I love you, I signed back. I said the I love you part as I signed it. Part of me wished I could hear myself say the words and hear Brady say them back.

I love you too, and I'm glad we can finally stop hiding, Brady signed.


I sat at the table in the back close to the edge of the pier. Everyone seemed happy but me. All of my siblings had the love of their lives by their side and I sat in the back alone like a loser. Even Brady and Tony were finally together in public. I was happy for them don't get me wrong but where was my happily ever after?

I found Lilliana talking to Tatianna and some guy I had never seen before. She was laughing at something one of them said and I sighed. I felt like such a loser pining for the girl I had broken up with in the first place. I wanted her back but I was afraid she didn't want me back. I had seen her with Andrew Winters at school. She had moved on, so I needed to get over myself and do the same. It's not like I hadn't tried. I had tried all summer. I had tried for five months. I knew though I was putting myself in situations I knew wouldn't work out.

First there had been summer time and I had spent most of the summer at the Styles' house. It started out as odd jobs since Mrs. Styles was alone for the summer and I had ended up learning a thing or two of the sexual nature. That had ended when Christian walked in on me titty fucking his mother. Then there was Karen Wilson at the party. That had only been a one-time thing because I had called her Lilliana during sex. Then there had been the time I let Phillip Stone blow me. The other two I was really drunk and I don't even remember their names. Then there was Brady, I had actually enjoyed sex with Brady if I was being honest with myself. I would do it again but with the way he was now openly hanging on Tony I knew that would never be an option.

I got up and went over to look over the edge of the pier. I still loved her though. She was the one for me and no one would ever replace her. The first time I had said I loved her, I admit it was to get in her pants. Over the years though I had really fallen in love with her and I thought she loved me. Tatianna had said she did ask about me from time to time and that gave me hope. Did it mean she still cared?

I jumped when someone touched my hand and I looked over to see Lilliana standing next to me. She looked so beautiful in that purple dress she was wearing. We both went back to staring out at the ocean neither of us said a word. We just stood there for the longest time holding hands.

"You wanna get out of here? We could go back to the ship and...," she cut off.

I took her hand and led her away without actually agreeing with her.

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