Caught In the Act

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I woke up with Juliet snuggled into my chest. Her legs were so intertwined in mine that getting up without waking her was going to be impossible. It wasn't like I wanted to get up anyway. I kissed her forehead and smiled. I glanced at the drawer in my nightstand. What was in there made me nervous as hell. It had been in there for months now just waiting for this weekend. She had no idea.

She rolled over in her sleep and I took the opportunity to get up. I sat on the edge of the bed and opened the drawer to the nightstand. The small velvet box stared back at me. My hand shook a little as I pulled it out. I got up off the bed slowly and put on the pair of pajama bottoms that I had discarded to the floor last night. I didn't want to wake Juliet just yet. I had a romantic breakfast planned.

I put the ring box in the pocket of my pajama pants and headed out of my room closing the door softly behind me. As I passed Harper's room I heard her giggle. I figured maybe she was on the phone with Aimee so I just let it go. Then I stopped in my tracks when I heard a male voice. Without thinking about what I was doing I barged in to her room to find Ryan in her bed. All I could see was his back facing me. Ryan's lips were on her neck and he was blocking her from my view so I could really see her very well. Then the words, "Yes Ryan right there," came from her lips and I lost it.

"You have five seconds to get up out of my sister's bed before I kick your ass," I yelled.

They both jumped and turned to look at me. I could see Harper had on a shirt that had ridden up to just under her breasts. Luckily the blanket covered the bottom half of their bodies. Ryan had yet to make an effort to move and I was unsure why. All he did was stare at me like he was challenging me that was when I began to count.

"One, two..."

"Christian why the hell are you screaming?" Juliet asked as she appeared behind me.

"Why the fuck are you not moving?" I said to Ryan.

He looked down at the floor and I followed his eyes to a pile of clothes on the floor. The realization hit me that he was naked in my sister's bed and I lunged at him. Then several things seemed to happen at once. Harper screamed as I punch Ryan. Juliet tried to get me off Ryan and I accidentally elbowed her in the face causing her to stumble backwards.

Ryan punched me back and then I felt a pair of strong arms pulling me off of him. I tried to kick to get away but I couldn't the grip of whoever was holding me back was too strong. I wondered who it was but I didn't look all I did was glare at Ryan. In my mind he had taken advantage of my baby sister even if it wasn't that way in reality.

"All four of you have five minutes to get downstairs," the voice behind me said sternly.

I immediately recognized my dad's voice. Lucky for Ryan they came home early but on the other hand I knew we were all in trouble by the tone in his voice. He let go of me and I turned around to see Juliet still sitting on the floor. Guilt washed over me as I saw her eye was already bruising. I went over and kneeled beside her. Ross and her brothers were going to kill me. How was I going to explain that without looking like a total asshole? Ross would revoke his permission he had given me to ask Juliet to marry me for sure.

"God baby I'm so sorry," I apologized.

The tears in her eyes broke my heart as I hugged her. She buried her face in my neck and I felt her tears on my skin. I felt like the biggest asshole ever. I hadn't been thinking about anything but kicking Ryan's ass. I had never even thought about my sister being able to make her own decisions. To me she was still the little girl I had to protect from the world and in the thinking I had failed to protect the woman that meant the most to me.

We got up off the floor and headed downstairs with Ryan and Harper behind us. My parents were waiting in the living room on the couch waiting for us. Ryan and Harper sat down on the love seat and I sat in the chair pulling Juliet into my lap.

"Do you want to explain to me what was going on upstairs?" my dad asked.

"Yes please we came in the door and all we heard was Harper screaming," my mom added.

"I was texting Ryan last night and I mentioned you guys were gone and Christian had Juliet over. They weren't exactly being quiet. I tried to distract myself by turning up my music but it wasn't helping. Ryan asked if he could come over and I agreed," Harper paused.

"I told both of you that no one but the two of you were supposed to be in the house after eleven, and yet here we sit in the living room at ten in the morning with Juliet and Ryan," my mom said.

"Why were you trying beat the hell out of Ryan?" my dad asked.

"Do you wanna tell him or should I?" I asked as I glared at Ryan.

He sighed and looked at Harper like he was asking her permission or something. She shrugged her shoulders and he looked back at my parents then downcast his eyes to the floor. I rolled my eyes at him. If Juliet hadn't have been sitting on my lap I would have lunged at him again.

"Christian, stop it's not your place anymore," Juliet whispered in my ear.

Her breath on my ear didn't help matters. It didn't really calm me down but it got me keyed up on a totally different way. She continued to breathe in my ear and I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. I shifted in my seat underneath her and brushed her leg. She felt what her breathing in my ears was doing and stopped as she turned her head.

As Harper told my parents what happened all I could think about was how much I hated Ryan at this moment. I realized it had nothing to do with my sister anymore. It had to do with how he had ruined my plan to propose to Juliet. I would have to do it another time.

"Christian what's in your pocket?" Juliet asked.

"Shit," I said out loud.

I had forgotten I put the ring box in my pocket. I panicked for a minute. What was I supposed to say to her? I didn't want to say anything under these circumstances. I could lie but it was kind of obvious what it was at least to me.

"Well Harper you are grounded for a week for disobeying me," I heard my mom say. "You will go to school and come straight home. Someone will be there to pick you up and you cannot ride home with Ryan. You will hand over your phone until the week is up," my mom said.

"I think it's time for you to go home Ryan," my dad said.

"Can I at least walk him out?" Harper asked.

"I guess that would be okay," my mom agreed.

I watched them get up and leave the room. Once they were gone my parents' attention turned to me. My dad knew what I was planning this weekend but he hadn't known how or when I was going to do it. He looked at me like he was asking if I did it and I shook my head no.

"Technically we can't really ground you since you are almost twenty but you were supposed to set a good example for your sister. I am so disappointed in you," my mom said.

She couldn't ground me so she was going to tell me how I had screwed up in front of my girlfriend. Damn I had hoped she would be my fiancée now instead of just my girlfriend. Now because of Ryan I had to send her home with a black eye I had given her.

My dad whispered something in my mom's ear and she put her hand on her heart and made a gasping noise. I knew by her reaction exactly what he told her. She smiled at me and her eyes got watery. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Great now she was going to bug me about it.

"Come on baby I'll walk you home," I said to Juliet.

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