Romentley Roadtrip

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On the morning we were supposed to leave I showed up at Romeo's door at seven am. When I rang the doorbell he answered the door and smiled at me. He seemed excited. I know I was definitely excited. I had big plans for this trip. I just hoped everything went as planned.

"Damn you look so sexy in the motorcycle jacket," he said.

"I'm sure you'll be even sexier with yours on," I said as I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"My parents want to talk before we leave and its gotta be quick so my mom can leave for work," Romeo said.

I followed him to the kitchen. His mom and dad were sitting at the breakfast bar. They both looked up when we came into the room. I was so surprised they were even letting Romeo go. Neither of them were fans of the Ducati. I believe his mom had called it a death trap when I first got it for my birthday.

"Okay we have a few rules before you leave," Ross said.

Of course you do, I thought to myself. He wouldn't be him if he didn't have some rules to follow. Did he actually think once we were alone with no parents we would care about rules? My dad and stepmom were even more lenient than my mom. They needed to take into account we weren't kids anymore. We were both eighteen. I hated his parents and their stupid rules sometimes.

"First off if it's raining you have to pull over somewhere safe and wait for it to stop," Ross said.

"Dad I think that's a given. How are we supposed to ride in the rain?" Romeo asked.

"Second no driving at night," Victoria warned.

"Um, no offense but it's a long drive. If I don't do some night driving we'll miss the cruise," I said.

"Fine, but promise you'll stop if you get the least bit tired," Victoria said.

"I promise, I won't purposely do anything to put Romeo or myself at risk," I told them.

"Last rule Romeo you are not to drive the motorcycle under any circumstances. There is no debate on this rule," Ross said.

"Okay, my license is restricted anyway remember?" Romeo asked.

"Well I have to go to work now," Victoria said. "Have fun boys and don't do anything too crazy."

She kissed us both on the cheek and left the kitchen.

A few minutes later we were saying goodbye to Ross and mounting the Ducati. When both our helmets were on I started the bike and it roared to life. Once we were on the road I concentrated on the road ahead lost in my own thoughts. It felt so good to have Romeo's arms wrapped around me with his chest pressed to my back. The past seven months with him had been the best months of my life. I had never been happier and I had never been so in love with someone. I never wanted this feeling to end.

I took the turn off for Las Vegas. This part of my surprise could go terribly wrong and backfire on me. I wanted it to be perfect and hoped it all went like I wanted it to. Four and a half hours later I pulled into the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino.

I took of my helmet when I stopped by the attendant and told him we were self-parking and he told me where to park. I parked in a space designated for motorcycles and hoped off. Romeo looked confused as he took of his helmet and got off the Ducati. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from my mom.

Everything is all set. Just go to the desk and check in.

Thanks for everything. I sent a text back to her.

Hope it goes your way.

Me too. I sent back.

"What are we doing here?" Romeo asked.

"Just a little romantic getaway," I explained.

We walked into the hotel hand in hand with our fingers laced together. As we waited to check in I kissed Romeo lightly on the lips. I knew people were watching us but I didn't care. I was proud to let everyone know he was with me.


I turned around to see a little girl behind us about five or six years old. She was staring at us. She reminded me a little of Romeo's cousin Harley. The only difference was Harley thought nothing of us kissing in front of her. She had grown up around Cameron and Embry.

Her mom looked at me and smiled. "It's okay Lanie. Stop making such a big deal about it please."

We finally made it to the desk to check in and to the room. I slowly opened the door to the room. When we walked in there was a trail of rose petals from the door to the bed, thanks to my mom's friend who worked here at the hotel. The room smelled like roses and we both instinctively inhaled. I stood behind Romeo, put my hands over his eyes and told him in his ear to walk forward. He did as he was told. I stopped him when we reached the big king size bed. I took my hands from his eyes and noticed he had closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes and looked in front of him. On the bed marry me was spelled out in rose petals. He turned around to look at me and there were tears in his eyes. He looked shocked. He didn't speak at first and that made me nervous.

"Are you serious?" Romeo finally asked me.

"Yeah, I know we've only known each other seven months and that's not a long time. But I love you with all my heart," I said as I reached out and touched his face gently.

"Say something please," I said after a few minutes of silence.

"Now?" Romeo asked.

"Why not?" I shrugged trying to act casual even though on the inside I was screaming 'fuck yes now.'

He looked like he was in deep thought for a minute. "Okay."

"Okay? I go to all this trouble and you say okay?" I had to admit I was kind of mad at his reaction. I didn't know what I expected but it wasn't okay. Who says that when they get a marriage proposal?

"I just agreed to marry you. What the fuck do you want me to say?" Romeo said a little sassy.

"I don't know," I said.

"Look, I love you and I would love nothing more than to marry you," Romeo said.

That was better than okay. "So we're really gonna do this?"

"Yes, let's do it," Romeo agreed.

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