I nod my head stiffly and she gives me a look that shows me she doesn't believe me. Instead of commenting on it she nods for me to come over, "Come meet him."

I hesitantly walk over to her side and I look down into the incubator. Abel's eyes are shut but I can immediately tell he is Jax's baby. He has the same shade of blonde hair that Jax has, as well as his facial features. I look at the little boy and can't help but feel a twinge of pain of what could have been, but I immediately bury it away. I feel Gemma place a hand on my back and I lean into her side, her placing a kiss on my head.

The door to the room opens and we both look up to see who it is. I freeze at the same moment she does as we both look at each other, hatred and contempt in both of our eyes. I want nothing more than to leap over this incubator and slam her head into the glass window. However I don't listen to my heart but instead glare at her.

"Emily." She says, her tone icy.

"Tara." I say, my tone icier.

"I didn't know you were back." She says, walking over to incubator.

"Well I am, I didn't know about you being here either." I say, my eyes locked with hers.

"I've been back for around two months, settled in quite nicely actually." She says, giving me a sickly sweet smile.

"Good for you." I murmur.

The tension between us is thick, anyone feeling it if they could see us. I keep my eyes narrowed and she does the same, neither one of us backing down. Fortunately Gemma steps in and she has to look away.

"How's he doing Doc?" She asks, her hand back in the incubator.

Tara glances up at me for a moment before turning back to Gemma, "He's getting stronger each day. If he keeps going at the rate he is, he'll be able to go home within the next so weeks."

"That's great news Doc." Gemma says, gripping my hand excitedly.

"I'd still like to keep an eye on his levels, but overall he is going well." She says, giving Gemma a tight smile.

Her eyes flicker to me and I give her an icy look. She turns back to Gemma, "I'll leave you too alone. It was nice seeing you Emily." She says with a subtle sarcastic tone.

"You too Tara." I answer back in the same tone of voice.

She walks out of the room and I glare after her, resisting the urge to throw my fist at the wall. I turn and look at Gemma, "Why didn't you tell she was back in Charming?" I hiss.

"Because it doesn't matter, you're here for Jax." Gemma states.

"I know that but it doesn't mean you don't tell me. I hate that woman more than I've ever hated anyone." I say, my blood boiling.

"I know you do baby, but she's old news." Gemma tries to reassure me.

I roll my eyes, "We both know that Tara Knowles has had your son wrapped around her finer since we were sixteen." I say.

"A lot of things happened after you left sweetheart." She says.

"Oh yeah like what?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

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