



What the actual fuck?

He was playing dirty. Quickscopes and everything. That little shit.

I soon slowly find myself giving up as the game starts to come to the end. There was no way I would be able to catch up to him. All along, he was making me hopeful. He was probably being 'clumsy' with the way he plays, jokingly before coming out, guns blazing.

"Hahaha, I win! I can sleep now!" He yells down the mic. I then hear a muffled voice in the background and he replies back in a hushed voice. I couldn't understand a word he said. He was speaking a different language.

"What language was that?" I ask, somewhat curious.

"It doesn't matter. Goodnight, Darling. Can't wait to own your ass tommorow." He speaks sarcastically. Before I could reply he went offline.

"Pfft, 'own my ass', that bitch knows nothing." I mumble to myself, taking my headset and rubbing my eyes.

I exit the game and put on Netflix, putting my headset on my bedside table.

I'm still fully clothed, so I put my controller down and stand up, stretching with my arms above my head, groaning at the discomfort in my shoulders.

I pull my skinny jeans and shirt off, running a hand through my hair and getting back into bed, picking up my controller and picking some random TV show to watch.

I'm probably going to spend the remainder of my time watching this because I'm not going to be able to sleep.

I sigh to myself, I really want to kick that kids ass, but there's two problems, number one, I don't know where exactly the kid lives and number two, I can't really stalk him, find out where he lives, turn up at his house/school to beat the shit out of him, that's weird.


By the time 7am came around I was still pretty wide awake. I just finished another episode of Friends. You know, the one where they go to las Vegas. Rachel and Ross get married and have cat whiskers on their face. It reminded me of these two British youtubers I've seen. I haven't watched much of them, but they are pretty good.

I slowly got up and stretched my limbs, before going over to turn everything off. I then head into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I begin to peel off my underwear before getting into the shower and washing off the dirt which clung onto me from yesterday.

About 45 minutes later I was ready, heading downstairs to slip on my shoes. I walk past the living area to see my mom, still in the same position as when I came in. She probably drank a lot during the day. It's starting to become a routine.

I sigh quietly to myself, before putting on my toms (which were as comfy as fuck) and heading out the door.

I slowly make my way to school, blocking out my my surroundings with the glorious sound of Panic! At the Disco's new song, Hallejulah. Honestly, I'm obsessed with it. Brendon Urie has such a beautiful voice, and his forehead is bigger and brighter than my future.

I soon arrive at the school, being early. Gives me more time to myself, I guess. I slowly walk to my locker, soon arriving and taking out a book or two.

Soon the halls start to fill with people, so I take my earphones out and put them in my bag and my phone in my pocket. I knew that any moment one of my friends will come over and start up a conversation with me.

"Oh, how's my favourite little faggot?" I hear not too far away. I look around to see two guys poking and pushing another, shorter, person. The two who were taunting I knew. They were known mainly for being the star players of the football team. The other I didn't recognise too well.

I had possibly seen him once or twice in the halls previously, but he's never stood out. He was obviously Hispanic, with his tanned skin and brown hair. He also seemed slightly scared. He was intimidated by these two guys.

They throw several insults his way, continuing to push and prod him with their fingers. He didnt say a thing. Why? If I were him I'd punch those dickwads in the face. But no. He stayed silent. Sufferering in silence.

Soon tyhey leave, with one final push which sends him into a set of lockers. I gasp slightly as he fell to the floor. It didn't seem to hurt him physically, but emotionally maybe.

I go over to him and bend down to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask, a little concerned as I was. He looked up to me and sighs.

"Leave me alone" he mumbled, before pulling himself up. I raise an eyebrow a little as he pulls his bag onto his shoulder again.

"What was that?" I say, feeling kinda offended. I mean, I went out of my way to help this guy and then he just throws it back into my face.

"I said, leave me alone." He confirms, being a little louder this time. Before I could reply he walked off.

Reminds me of a little someone.



-asking_ashleigh_ & @speciallittleidiot

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