There were two things which annoyed me at that age. The first was when my blacks didn't match. By this I mean, my shirt was a smokey black but my jeans were jet black. I just couldn't understand why there couldn't just be one single colour of black. The second thing which bothered me, was the fact that I was practically advertising bands for free; I wasn't getting paid. Being unable to work properly at that age, I was broke. That makes me laugh, because now I am able to work but I'm still as broke as I was then. Jobs require too much effort.

I also dyed my hair black and it was always covering my eyes. Now my hair was a dark brown. Yes, it still covered my eyes slightly, but not as bad as before.

When I was going though the "It's not a phase, mom" phase, I would even call myself emo because I thought it was cool. It was far from cool. Emo Kellin was the complete opposite of cool. For that I would like to thank the following people:

Gerard Way, Fran Iero, Mikey Way and Ray Toro. Thank you for being utter idiots and causing me to want to be like you during the "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" days. Also, thank you for breaking up and ripping my heart out of my chest. Much appreciated.

I sigh at my emo thoughts and bring my attention back to the screen, clicking the xbox button, scanning the xbox guide until I come across my messages, I actually have a message! If its from Mr.CamperAssholeGuy and he's denying my challenge, I'm so taking the piss out of him at school.

I open up my messages and scowl when I see that stupid name appear.

I open the message and am shocked at what he actually said to me, I could totally report him for code of conduct.


Message: You think your prissy ballerina ass could beat me? Game on.

Oh well that most definitely rude and uncalled for, even if I did call him an asshole on an hourly basis since yesterday.

I highly doubt he could beat me. I'm Kellin Quinn, I'm the king of COD 4, you can hear all the noobs crying at my feet (I wish).

I could definitely beat Mr.CamperAssholeGuy and it'll be the last thing I'll do.

I invite Him to a free for all and I'm surprised when I see that he joined.

"Well, good evening." He taunts, only getting me even more annoyed than I already was.

"Listen here, asshole." I begin another rant, this time being down the mic. "Yesterday was just a fluke. Don't get your hopes up on winning today." I tell him, matter-o-factly.

I hear his laugh. It wasn't an evil laugh as such. He had a nice laugh to be completely honest.

"Game on." He challenges. That's when the screen changes and there's a timer counting down. People were spawning, but I didn't care. I didn't care how many people were in the game. In my mind it was just me and him. As long as I beat him, I'm happy.




The game then lets us move. I go straight out, soon getting the first kill of the game. This was before being shot down. The kill cam pops up and there he was. Mr. CamperAssholeGuy.

"Motherfucker!" I yell into my headset, causing me to her his laugh again. This continues on for a while. He kills me more than a few times, getting me even madder. This pented up anger wasn't too good.

I then change me stratagy, moving around the outskirts of the map, stealthily. I kill off a few enemies before I see him. Once again he was Camping again, perched up high. I slowly sneak up behind him, and just as I was about to shoot, the match finished.

"WHAT THE HELL! I ALMOST KILLED YOU!" I complain in a loud manner. I let out a long sigh, before looking to the leaderboard.


Death count: 8

Kill count: 34





Death count: 2

Kill count: 41


"How the-?" I start but don't finish.

"Awh, lets hope your heart doesn't break.... Like MCR." He adds. I could hear the smirk in his voice. Did he really just go there!? I swear to God, if I don't beat his ass in the game I'm sure as hell gonna beat his ass in real life. I quickly profile check him.



Dickturd Fuentits
San Diego

I am the reincarnation of Freddie Murcury.... Don't question it.

San Diego? Well, atleast I don't have to travel far to beat his sorry ass.

"Rematch. Now" I demand.

"You sure about that, darling?"

"Yes, Dickturd."


How are you liking this so far? - Rachel

asking_ashleigh_ <<< follow my co-writer as well :3

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