Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

“I expected it, I just thought that maybe…” he trailed off and looked out of the window at paps who seemed to notice that we were here.

We stepped out of the vehicle, and immediately grabbed Drew tightly so he wouldn’t get hurt or lost in the crowd of flashing lights. Lisa seemed to get the same idea, and put her hand on his other shoulder, pushing him through. I saw Harry in front of us, the cameras snapping in his face as photographer’s screamed questions at him. I heard a few asking about me, but my only focus was to get the hell into the building.

After a few more moments of being lost in the crowd, we got into the restaurant and the employees shut the doors behind us.

The manager stepped forward, looking nervous, “We are incredibly sorry Mr. Styles, and we did not think this would happen.”

“It’s no big deal, I’m used to it.” Harry nodded curtly, a tight-lipped smile covering his face; “I think we’d just like to get escorted to our table now.”

“Oh, yes, yes, sir!” the tall, skinny man said, practically pushing a waiter from beside him to guide us.

Our table was in a private room, and it seemed to make Harry happy, and he was more at ease. Before I knew it, we were settled in and eating the delicious food the establishment had to offer.

“The chicken is absolutely amazing!” Anne exclaimed, “What a wonderful place you picked, Harry,”

Harry smiled at his mother; obviously happy with the way the dinner was now going. I was happy too, my brother and sister were with me, and so were my boyfriend and his mother. Anne was absolutely wonderful, she held a sparkling glint in her eyes when talking about my relationship with Harry, as if she knew something I didn’t.

"Gemma and I had a bet running about you and Harry, you know,” Anne said, suddenly.

“We did too,” Lisa said, and then said in mock sad voice, “I lost.”

“I won,” Drew smirked, looking proud of himself.

We all chuckled, and Anne continued, nodding and my siblings, “Gemma won actually, we had the same bet running as you two did,”

I nearly dropped the fork I was holding, and Harry choked on his glass of coke, clearly shocked with the revelation. I quickly hit his back, and he mumbled a thank you when he got his breath back.

“You what?” he exclaimed, adjusting the collar of his shirt, which was buttoned to the neck in his typical fashion.  

“Gemma originally came up with the idea, and then Jenna’s darling sister heard and decided to take up the same bet with her brother.” Anne replied nonchalantly, the mischievous glint still present in her eyes.

“Oh my God,” Harry muttered to himself, as if he couldn’t believe the situation.

After all, his mother and older sister had made a bet on his relationship with his girlfriend. I would be acting far worse if it had been my mother and Lisa, but then again, Mum and Lisa were the type of people to do something like that.

Then and Now: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now