My vision blurred but I could see him running back towards the arena. As he did, I tried getting free from whatever restraints was around my wrists, but struggled to get to my feet. My head was spinning and I tried to frantically free my hands as I saw someone running towards me. They untied my hands, picked me up and threw me over their shoulder.

"Hey!" I gasped as my vison started to return. "Put me down!" I was now screaming and kicking my legs in the air. They didn't listen. They just ran back to the arena, which was now filled with thick smoke. Then I saw rick.

"There all at the arena. This way." I heard Merle yell.

The person then put me down and I saw their face. "Tyler..." He grabbed my hand and ran after Merle and the others.

"You're not going anywhere with us." Rick yelled back at Merle. "Neither are you." He turned to Tyler. He was still holding my hand so I pulled away and saw how heart broken he was at my action.

"You really want to do this now?" Merle questioned whilst starting to beat down on the gate at the front of the town.

At that moment, Daryl came over to me and handed me my gun and knife. I put my knife into my belt and aimed my gun into the street. "Rick come on. We gotta go." Daryl announced as Merle broke through the wall.

We didn't really have time to argue about this here as Merle began beating a walker with the metal on his arm. "Little help would be nice!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and climbed through the hole after Daryl, shooting the walkers that had gathered around us. Merle then jumped up and started running for the woods. "We ain't got time for this." He yelled.

I didn't move. Where were Glenn and Michonne? I turned to Maggie with a questioning look on my face. "They're back at the car." She knew what I was going to say.

Daryl then grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me along with him. "Come on lets go." He called back to the others.

We ran and ran. All the way through the forest in the direction we'd left the car. Daryl never once letting go of my hand. Then it hit me. Even if Merle and Tyler come with us, there was no way we were going to get us all in one car. I could almost predict what was going to happen.

It was sun rise by the time we reached the general area where the car was. I saw the car and Glenn sat on the road next to it. Michonne was also there, leaning up against the side door. Both of them unaware we were here. That was until Rick called Glenn's name. "Glenn." He shot up and looked in the forest to us.

Rick then ran in front of Merle and Tyler and raised his hand. "We have a bit of a problem here. I need you to back off." Rick spoke quickly.

Glenn and Michonne both pulled out their weapons and ran towards the two men yelling and screaming. Daryl then finally let go of my hand and jumped in front of Merle. Everyone started yelling over each other as they tried to calm the situation. It clearly wasn't going to work.

"He tried to kill me!" I heard Michonne say as she had her katana pointed towards Rick, who was standing in front of Merle and Tyler.

Glenn pointed his gun towards Daryl as he was also stood in front of them both. "If it wasn't for him. Maggie-" He stopped.

"They helped us get out of there." Daryl yelled back. He and Rick were both stood in front of Merle and Tyler with the rest of us all pointing weapons.

"Yeah. Right after he beat the shit out of you." I snapped back.

"Hey, we both took our licks, man." Merle scoffed.

I pointed my gun right at his head. "Jackass." I snapped back. If that was my brother and he did that to me, I'd have nothig to do with him.

"Hey, shut up!" He yelled at me.

Michonne then stepped forward again with her katana raised but Rick was there first and pointed his gun at her. Whilst that was going on Glenn also had his own gun pointed right in Daryl's face. Magie and I standing at the back of them all, our guns up. "Now get that thing out of my face!" Daryl yelled at Glenn.

Merle started laughing at the back and nudged Tyler. "Man, look like you've gone native, brother." He laughed

"No more than you hanging out with that psycho back there." Daryl pointed, turning around to face him.

Tyler stayed quiet. "He's a charmer, I got to tell you that. Been putting the wood to you girlfriend Andrea." He turned to look at Michonne and started making disgusting faces.

"What? Andrea's in Woodbury?" Glenn lowered his gun.

I nodded my head. "Right next to the Governor."

Everyone went silent and Michonne went for the men again with her sword. "I told you to drop that. You know Andrea?" Rick questioned her. "Hey, do you know Andrea?"

Michonne didn't answer. "Yep, she does. Her and blondie spent all winter cuddling in the forest. Mm-mmm-mmm. Yeah. My Nubain queen here had two pet walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains. Kind of ironic now that I think about it." Merle laughed. Michonne grew angrier every time he opened his mouth. I don't blame her.

Daryl rolled his eyes and snapped at Merle. "Shut up bro!"

"Hey man, we snagged them out of the woods. Andrea was close to dying." Merle continued.

"Is that why she's with him?" Maggie lowered her gun and put it into her belt. I did the same.

Tyler nodded his head. "Yeah."

"Snug as two little bugs. So what you gonna do now sheriff, huh? Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs and cowards." He looked at me and Michonne.

"Shut up, before I shut your mouth for you." I snapped.

"Oh man, look at this. Pathetic. All these guns and no bullets in them." He mocked.

"Merle, shut up." Tyler yelled at him.

"Shut up yourself! Bunch of pussies you roll-" Tyler grabbed Daryl's gun from his belt and knocked Merle on the back of the head with it, stopping him mid sentence.

"Ass hole." He spat at Merle's unconscious body. Tyler then handed Daryl his gun back and Daryl snatched it from his hand nastily.

Using Daryl's gun to knock out his own brother. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

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