32. pregnant [part two: the gender reveal]

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IT HAS BEEN a few months since i told jack and the rest of the family that i was pregnant. but today is a very special day: the gender reveal.

jack and i don't know the gender of our baby, however, we are throwing a huge family party to find out the gender using confetti cannons with either pink or blue color.

jack and i both wore white. i put on a white mini dress that slightly puffed out on the bottom with shoulder straps and a charming bow attached to the front. i also put on white sandals and gold jewelry while jack wore a nice, white dress shirt and beige dress pants.

ellen put together a pink and blue balloon garland that was attached to giant, white led marquee letters that read 'oh baby!' she was phenomenal when it came to decorations.

"you ready?" jack asked, holding my waist with both hands on either side.

i smiled. "yes."

he smiled back and grabbed my hand, leading me to the backdrop where we would soon shoot the confetti into the air.

everyone started cheering already, but luke lifted his glass into the air and tapped his fork on the rim a few times.

"alright, calm down everyone. we know jack's excited and can't keep it in his pants."

the entire family dropped their jaws and erupted into laughter. i was also a part of that.

"luke hughes!!" ellen shouted.

"ellen, honey, that was the funniest thing i've heard all day," jim told her. "ahah, i raised a funny kid."

jack's cheeks turned bright red and he shook his head,

"you done, lukey boy?" he asked.

"i'm done if you are!!" he replied.

everyone laughed again. meanwhile, jack stood there trying to hold his laugh in, but failed.

"okay, so, me and yn are going to pop these confetti cannons and whatever color comes out is the gender of our baby."

"BOY BOY BOY," quinn shouted, repeatedly.

"thanks, bro," jack said, then turned to me. "what do you think my love? baby boy or baby girl?"

i was cheesin' hard. i couldn't contain the amount of happiness i already had.

"it's gonna be a baby boy. i just have a feeling."

he smiled. "really?"

i nodded.

"good because i'm feeling the same thing."

"jack, you're not the one that's pregnant with a baby bump!!" luke shouted.

jack stared dead into luke's soul. "yeah, if you keep eating like a big back then you will be!!"

"owwie, that hurt my feelings, dada."

jack shook his head again and i burst into laughter. luke was definitely something else.

"ready baby?" he asked me.

"more than you'll ever know."

we both picked up the confetti cannons and held them tightly in our hands. we pointed them up into the air as everyone counted down from 3.




jack and i twisted the cannons and pulled the string which emitted the color blue everywhere.

jack's mouth dropped open and his eyes were wide. he quickly turned to me and lifted me up, spinning me around as happy tears fell from my eyes.

"holy shit i'm gonna be a boy dad! i'm gonna be a boy dad! i can't wait to teach him hockey, yn!!!" he shouted with joy.

i wrapped my arms around his neck as he put me down gently.

"i can't believe it," i began. "i wanted a boy this whole time and i can't believe it actually came true."

he laughed. "i wanted a boy too. did luke and quinn tell you i threw my lucky penny into a fountain a few weeks ago? my wish came true."

"aww, jack."

"i love you so much, yn. and i love this baby already too."

"i love both of my boys."

he drew back a big grin and kissed me. it was sweet and soft and everything above that.

"oh no, now there's gonna be two jack's running around," luke said. "one is already so much work!"

"luke, once this baby is born, i'm gonna teach him to throw his smelly diapers at you."



"alright you two, if you don't stop then both of you will be changing his smelly diapers."

"umm, i don't think so. you're his parent too, so you have to," jack told me.

"hmm, we'll see about that."

after the reveal, the party continued on with themed games, food, and music to celebrate the upcoming new addition to our family.

hi my lovelies!!
i thought this one was funny so i hope you all enjoy :)
imagine a baby jack running around tho, that would be so adorable
more stories!!! hehe i'm so excited to write more
see you all soon. here's your daily jack pic! xx

AHHHH I WANNA MARRY HIM HELLO???? 😍😍he's so cute ugh wtf🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️

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he's so cute ugh wtf🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️

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