11. pregnant [part one: the announcement]

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SOMETHING WAS WRONG with me and i didn't have a single clue what it was until a week ago...

jack and i ended up doing it all night and the next morning after that i woke up throwing up in the bathroom. i remember he thought i was really sick or something, but he definitely thought wrong after i took a pregnancy test.

a week later now and we were having a bbq at the hughes household. i still haven't told him. and i'm like scared as fuck to do it.

i managed to wrap the pregnancy test in wrapping paper, sealed in a white box with a cute little bow on top. i was planning to surprise him with it later and everyone else too.

"there's my beautiful girl!" jack shouted as he came up behind me, his arms snaking around my waist.

i faked a smile. as much as i loved him caring, i wasn't in the mood. i was scared for when i'd tell him later. and that fear wasn't going away.

"hey, you okay?" he asked me, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck. i gently tried prying his arms off of me, but he just pulled me back to him. "noo, i wanna snuggle.

"oh my god, this is the kitchen, not a bedroom, jack," quinn said, taking a swig of his beer.

"so?" jack replied, still holding me.

i pushed him off.

"hey, why'd you-"

"i'm not in the mood, jack," i said and walked into the backyard where the rest of the family was.

the air smelled of smoked steak, vegetables and burgers were being grilled. ellen had made a fun array of little snacks presented on the table which consisted of crackers, chips, grapes, different cheese slices, apple slices, and some homemade guacamole.

a few hours had gone by and jack stopped bugging me, but i felt bad, so i went over to him.


he looked at me, then at the ground, then back at me.

"hi," he began. "i thought you didn't wanna talk to me."

i sighed, grabbing his hand to reassure him that everything was fine. "no, i do. but it's just-"

"are you breaking up with me?"

i looked up at him like he was crazy. "what?! no, never jack. i'd never do that. i love you too much for that silly."

"then why are you ignoring me?"

i looked down at the ground. i think this was gonna be my big announcement.

i looked back up at him and let go of his hand. i went to the front of the area of the backyard and got everyone's attention.

"hi everyone. um i have an announcement to make and it's very important."

i took a moment to catch my breath. everyone's eyes were on me and i couldn't be more nervous then in this very moment right now.

"i've been ignoring my boyfriend this whole day and i know it's not ideal of me, but the truth is," i began, looking at jack. "there's something you need to know, jack."

i reach under the table, grab the white box, and hand it to him.

"open it," i said.

he gently grabs the box and stares at me for a second.

"what's this?" he asked.

"open it."

as he slowly opened it, i turned back to the family.

"what's inside that box is the reason why i've been quiet around jack today."

i turned to him and his mouth was wide open. he looked at me and then back at the box.

"you're pregnant?" he asked, holding up the test.

i nodded. he looked at me again as i walked towards him. i grabbed his free hand and said, "i'm so sorry i didn't say anything to you all day. i was so nervous because i was scared to tell you this and i don't know, i guess i just got scared that you might leave me."

he looked at me. "yn, i'd never leave you. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and now this baby is too. i'm gonna be a father?!"

i smiled. "yes, you already are. i've known for like a week, but i didn't know how to tell you.."

"i'm a FATHER?!" he repeated.

i laughed. "yes, jack. are you happy?"

he turned to me and threw his arms in the air.

"are you kidding?! hell yeah i am!" he yelled in excitement, then kneeled down to my stomach. "hi little baby, this is your dad and i can't wait for you to be born, so i can show you the way of the puck. boy or girl, you will play hockey."

i laughed as he stood up and looked at me. he gave me a sweet kiss and spun me around. the rest of the family cheered in the background and said congratulations. the night was filled with pure love and happiness. i couldn't believe this was actually happening, but i was very thankful to have the sweetest people support me and be with me throughout this journey.

|authors note|
hi! this story was supposed to be better in my head 😭idk why, but it's like eh.

 here's your daily jack pic! xx

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