6. beach day gone wrong?

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THE AIR WAS hot and the sun was shining. the wind carried a small breeze through the palm trees and the smell of fresh coconut wandered through the trails.

kids were making sandcastles, people were tanning, volleyballs were being thrown and rainbow snowcones were being scarfed down. it was summer. and i loved every second of it.

"beautiful?" my boyfriend said, causing me to whip my head around. "are you coming in the water? the waves look pretty nice."

i smiled. being called beautiful was the cutest thing ever. "i think i'm gonna stay here for a little bit."

he threw his floaties down into the sand, pouted, and said, "whyyyy."

"because i wanna tan," i replied, laying down my pink towel and opening the sunscreen. "although, i'm kinda having a problem with the sunscreen, sooo you might have to help with that..."

his little frown turned right into a sly smirk. this boy. i swear to god.

he sat down behind me and grabbed the sunscreen from my hand. he opened it, putting it on my back, arms, legs, upper chest—this time, purposely applying it slower, typical jack—and put a little on my face, booping my nose after.

"there. all done."

i smiled. "why thank you."

"now can we pleaseee go in the water!?" he whined, starting to pull my arm closer and closer to the shore.

"fineeee," i said, giving in.

"yay!" he yelled, throwing me over his shoulder. "you wouldn't of had a choice anyway, cutie."

"jack!! put me downnn!!"

"not happening," he said, laughing.

"jackk, don't throw me in the—" i began, but then he sure enough proceeded to throw me in the water. "i'm so gonna kill you."

"whatever you say baby," he replied, smirking and crossing his arms.

"oh, you bet your ass i will."

"oh, yeah? gotta catch me first," he responded and then booked it back onto the shore. that little motherfucker.

i chased him onto the sand, past the trails, past the parking lot, past the grass, and into the trees. i think i lost him.

out of breath, i spoke, "jack... where... on earth... did you go... i give up... there, happy now? ugh, i'm forfeiting whatever this is."

i waved my hand in nonsense and began to walk away when i felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. i screamed.

"ahh! oh my god," i yelled. "jack, i swear to god."

he started laughing uncontrollably until he finally calmed down after what felt like forever.

"i'm sorry," he began. "it was kinda funny though."

i playfully rolled my eyes. he pulled me close to him and held my hands in his. he looked at me in adoration, scanning his eyes over my face with so much love.

"god, you're so beautiful. why are you so beautiful?"

i laughed. "i don't know, i guess i just am."

he laughed too. "uh huh."

i smiled as he pressed his lips against mine. i wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair. i have everything i could ever want.

after a little more kissing and messing around, jack and i decided to go back in the water and spend time with the fam.

"finally!" quinn yelled. "where the hell were you guys? luke has been on my fucking ass about going tubing."

"shut up!" luke yelled back. "can we just go now?"

"yeah," quinn replied. "you guys still haven't answered my question."

"bro, can you just shut up already? knowing jack, he probably knocked her up."

"what did you say?" jack asked, getting angry.

"what? it's probably true."

"fuck you, luke!" jack said, pushing him. "what i do with my girlfriend is none of your business. do you understand that?"

"okay jeez, whatever."

"no, it's not whatever!" jack yelled, his voice getting louder and angrier by the second.

"hey! both of you, stop it right now," ellen chimed in as she split the two of them up. "both of you apologize to eachother. i don't tolerate what you said, luke and i don't appreciate the pushing either, jack."

"fine. i'm sorry i said what i said," luke spat out. "i'm sorry."

"don't give me an insincere apology."

"jack," ellen spoke. "apologize."

he rolled his eyes and then gave in. "fine, i'm sorry."

eventually, they both made up and everyone was happy. me, jack, luke and quinn all went tubing and it was the funniest thing ever. jack also taught me how to surf and kept boosting my confidence each time he said, "atta girl! good job! just keep your balance baby!"

he even went on one of the floaties he brought and i sooo made fun of him for it. it was a pink unicorn after all.

|authors note|
hey everyone!! sorry i haven't uploaded a chapter in like a few weeks. i've constantly tried to write, but then i end up not liking what i wrote lmaoo. my last day of school is tomorrow then i'm off for summmaa whoo! idk how to feel about this one, but here we are. also, i'm lowkey thinking of starting a tiktok acc to post edits of jack, butttt idk yet. should i? anyway, i hope everyone is doing great! see you in the next chapie! enjoy this pic of jack from draft day. xx

(nahh plss the guy in the back I CANT HAHA)

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(nahh plss the guy in the back I CANT HAHA)

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