24. i missed you

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MY TIME WITH jack was up. i had to fly back to michigan for school. finals were coming up and my parents were on my ass about getting perfect scores.

this meant leaving jack in new jersey so that i could focus on ridiculous equations that i wouldn't even remember anyway. i knew i'd be miserable without him though.

before i knew it, the weekend before finals came around and i was an absolute mess. i wasn't sleeping well, i barely ate, and i cried a lot because of how overwhelmed i was.

"come on, yn. we're going out to eat tonight and you're coming with us." my roommate insisted on me going with her and our other friends to a fancy restaurant, but i didn't feel like it. i had way too much work to do.

i kept my eyes on my macbook. "no i'm not."

she groaned, slamming my macbook screen shut. "yes you are. now get your little butt up and clean your side of the room. i'm not letting you rot in here until finals. you're going out tonight and we're having fun."

i scoffed. "ugh. i hate you."

she smiled, her hand on the doorknob. "you'll thank me later."

and so for the rest of the day, until it was time to go out later, i cleaned my side of the room. i snatched a garbage bag and piled pieces of paper that were on the floor into the bag. i threw away old food wrappers and wiped the eraser shavings off my desk.

i was exhausted by the time i was finished. i then read the clock. 5:41pm. i lunged for my phone and texted my roommate, asking her what time i should be ready. she replied with 'SEVEN' in all caps.

thankfully, this gave me enough time to shower, blow dry my hair, curl it, put makeup on, and throw on my roommates dress that was hiding in the back of her closet. i swear i never saw her wear this dress once so i 'borrowed' it for the night.

plus, it was a pretty dress. it was gold with glitter and had a slit on the side. it was a little too short, but i put it on anyway.

i then slipped on some gold heels and sprayed some perfume on. i put a pair of gold hoop earrings in and a gold necklace on.

when it hit seven, i threw some last minute stuff into my purse then grabbed my phone, keys, and head out the door.

the restaurant was wild. the music was so loud i could barely hear anything. dark blue lights were flashing onto the walls and it was packed.

my friends and i sat down at a huge table and talked while we waited for the waiter to take our orders.

"hey, is that my dress?!" my roommate asked in shock.

i laughed. "uhh, maybe?"

"it looks good on you though. jack will lose his marbles when he sees you in that."

"what?" i questioned.

she forced a laugh, smacking the table. "ha, i'm kidding. i just meant like if he was here then he'd lose his marbles.."

i frowned. "yeah. i wish he was here."

the night flew by. we had finished our food and moved onto dessert.

"yn, i'm sorry for what i said earlier. it wasn't my intention to make you sad. i know you miss jack a lot."

i gave her a sad smile. "it's fine."

"no it's not. i wanna makeup for it, so.. here."

she stuck her arms out, yelling 'tada!' and right in front of me stood jack. he smiled at me, but tears filled my eyes quickly.

everyone at the table 'awwed.' it was a bittersweet moment.

i jumped out of my seat and threw my arms around him. he held me tight with his arms around my waist and his forehead pressed against mine.

"aw it's okay, you're okay, i'm right here." he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

he held me in his arms for what felt like forever. i didn't want the moment to end, but eventually we let go and sat down next to each other.

i leaned my head into chest while his arm was wrapped around my shoulder.

"wait, so why are you here??" i asked.

"because i missed you." the look in his eyes said it all.

"you came here just because you missed me?!" i repeated.

he nodded, grinning. "of course baby. i was gonna surprise you anyway, but your friends also got in contact with me and wanted to surprise you with me showing up, so it worked out perfectly."

i smiled, turning to my friend. "you knew about this?"

"duh!" she yelled. "i noticed how stressed you were about finals and i knew how much you missed jack. i want you to be happy and i know you are when he's with you."

i gave her a big smile and stood up, hugging her. after i sat down, we all talked for a while before paying and leaving. i had also asked jack if he wanted anything to eat, but he waved me off.

"i brought some snacks. we can cuddle and watch movies in your dorm if you want."

"awe, of course i do!" i squealed in excitement.

"good because i'm staying with you for the weekend."

my mouth dropped open. "jack, i swear to god if you're messing with me-"

he laughed. "i'm not messing with you baby. as long as that's okay with y-"

"oh hush!" i said, shushing him and pressing my lips against his. "i've wanted to kiss you all this time."

he laughed. "yeah? funny cuz' i was thinking the same thing about you."

so, the rest of the night consisted of jack and i watching movies on my twin bed together while we snuggled underneath the blankets. we kissed each other so many times then ate some popcorn and candy before hitting the lights.

hi guys this was a longgg one omg
i would've posted sooner but writers block
is annoying as fuck
anyway first chapie of the new year! whoo!
who's watching the game tn?? CHI VS NJD
connor and jack ahh i'm def watching it
what did everyone get for christmas??
here's your daily jack pic! xx

AUTHOR HERE, hi guys this was a longgg one omgi would've posted sooner but writers blockis annoying as fuckanyway first chapie of the new year! whoo!who's watching the game tn?? CHI VS NJDconnor and jack ahh i'm def watching itwhat did everyone ge...

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