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walkers pov:
I'm laying next to y/n as we both are watching a movie. Well only me because she fell asleep. But at this point my eyes on at her not the movie. I'm just touching her hair and admiring her beauty. Her hair perfectly falls down her face and her nose has little freckles on it which I love. I get interrupted by my phone ring I slowing stand up from the bed and pick my phone from the table. It's Charlie! I walk outside the room and answer the call.

hey charlie! what's up?

hey walker! So I was just calling to see when your going to confront him.


oh cmon walker do act dumb. Andrew!

oh... him

walker I know that it can be hard knowing how violent he can get but it think you should just get over it.

yeah I want to do it because I want to show him a taste of his own medicine but I don't want a fight to break out like before.

look why don't I come with you. We just came back from the trip and I don't have that much to do today.

charlie thank you for that but I can do it by myself.

look I will just stand outside for sure ok. He is very violent man we don't want are percy jackson to get hurt.

ok fine

ok so meet me there in 10 minutes at his house. Deal


ok see you there

ok bye

I hang up the call and slowly walk back to the room. I stand there infront of y/n as she's still sleeping. I kiss her forehead and start walking out the house to meet up with charlie. I feel so bad leaving y/n knowing she probably going to ask where I was when she wakes up but I have to do this.

As I keep walking I see charlie standing there. I walk up to him.

" ok are you ready to do this?"
he asks

" yeah I was born ready"
I say. I start walking up to the door as charlie stands there next to the bushes. I knock on the door and wait there a couple secs. Until he opens the door. He sees me and immediately rolls his eyes.

" oh look it's mr blondie."
he says. Is this dude fr! Like I know I have blonde hair but do you have to make a nickname about it!

" Andrew I'm not here to listen to you fake ass insults. I'm here just for you to do me a favor."
I say

" ok what's the favor PerCY jaCKsoN"
he says
I get close

" to leave my girlfriend alone!"
I say
he smirks. Does he think that I'm joking?

" and why would I do that? Remember I had her first not you. It's obvious that see likes me more."
he says

" she broke up with you. It's ObVIouS that's she's done with your lame ass?"
I say
he does like a evil chuckle or something.

" we didn't break up"
he says
I smirk

" oh yeah sure I'm going to believe you"
I say.

" wow she didn't tell you!"
he says
my smirks fades to confusion.

" stop lying"
I say

" ohh scobell you are so dumb. She really got you wrapped around her finger."
he says
I scoff

" stop with these lies. I know her better then you. I know she wouldn't lie to me!"
I say
but he takes his phone out his pocket and shows me the messages between them. I immediately snatch the phone from his hand and scroll threw them. She was really doing this all this time? All the messages we're I love yous to eachother and taking bad about me....
I immediately bring my head up and aggressively give him the phone back.

" nononono...... she wouldn't do that!"
I say with anger in my voice
he crosses his arms and smirks

" wow scobell you have been fooled. Did you really think she liked you? Your pathetic!"
He says I immediately turn around and start walking the direction back home. It's all right there. She LIED! I can't believe I actually believed her!

Charlie starts following me from behind confused.

" walker what's wrong? what happened?"
He says
I keep walking faster back home.

" I can't believe this"
I mumble

" walker your so confusing! What happened?"
he says
I stop

I yell
He looks at me surprised

" what walker? Are you sure?"
he says
I nod

" he showed me text messages between them!"
I say with so much anger in my voice. I can't believe this. She cheated on me! I was such a fool. She lied and lied. All those I love yous were for nothing?

I start running back to me house. As Charlie keeps follow me. I can't with this I don't ever want to see her face again.

" walker you have to look into this more."
He says
But I immediately turn around with tears falling down my eyes.

I yell
He stands there looking at me shocked.

" look I just want to be alone"
I say and immediately start running back to me home. I walk in and immediately run up to my room. My parents are in the living room calling my name and saying what's wrong but I just want to be alone. I get in my room and slam my door shut.

I have never felt like this before. I had so much anger in me. I was such a dumb fricken fool to believe her. She would never like me!

I sit in the corner of my room with my knees to my head. Crying my heart out. I have never really cried for a girl this much as I have done for her. That shows you how much I love that girl. But I can love her more then this whole entire world and still get nothing back. She wanted Andrew not me.

My phone starts ringing with messages from her saying " where are you?, " why did you leave me?". But I just ignore her and block her. As I click the block button more tears come out. Why does loving someone have to be so hard?

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now