✶ he better watch out

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walkers pov:
I sit down next to her on the floor as she doesn't dare to look up at me. I can hear her light faint cries, it was breaking my heart. I shouldn't have reacted like this, now she's crying because of me. I pull her close to me as I lightly plant kisses on her head.

" y/n pls talk to me."
I say softly but she doesn't respond.

" y/n I can't go on like this any longer that's why I freaked out. I just want you to trust me like I trust in you"
I say as I stroke her hair.

" walker I don't want you to get hurt"
she says as I tilt my head.

" why would I get hurt my love?"
I say confused, she sighs.

" I can't tell you"
she mumbles, I pull her chin up for she can look at me.

" my love pls"
I say as she lightly nods.
y/ns pov:
I can see his blue eyes with pure sadness, it's shattering me. I hate to see him like this. It's all my fault. He's not happy because of me and I'm ruining everything. At this point how could I not tell him? If I don't I'm not only going to ruin him, im going to ruin us. Andrew can come at walker but if he comes at him, he comes at me.

I clear my throat and sit up a bit.

" remember when i randomly disappeared the first day we were here?"
I say as he nods and softly strokes my hair.

" well I disappeared because andrew pulled me into a closet and he told me if I get close to you he will hurt you. Im just so dumb because I forgot to take off my track settings so that's why he followed me. I didn't want you to get hurt walk. That's me worst nightmare so I listened to him like a toy. I am so-"
he cuts me off with a kiss. I can feel his tears fall down on my face. My cheeks get pink bas I immediately kiss back. After a couple seconds, he pulls away and puts his forehead on mine. His light smile bring me a burst of happiness.

" y/n I can't explain how much I really truly love you. You did this for my good and I took it in a bad way. I should be the one to say sorry."
He says as I lightly shake my head no.

" I'm just sorry for letting Andrew take over us like that. I don't know why I ever even let him in my life"
I say as he deeply sighs. I would have reacted the same way if walker did that to me.

" andrew is never going to ruin us because we are stronger then him. This love that we have can defeat anything. He could punch me and hurt me but I will always come back to you"
he says as I blush, I love this boy so much.

" I love you so much walk. You are the best!"
I say and I immediately see his face turn red.

" www the boy is blushing"
I say as he playfully rolls his eyes.

" stopppp"
He wines as I lightly giggle at his cuteness.

" there's that smile that I love"
He says softly with a light smile. He stands up and sighs. Where is he going?

" walker what are you-"
walkers pov:
I interrupt her and pick her up bridal style, she immediately starts yelling as I laugh. She's so adorable.

" walkerrrrr put me downnnn"
she says but I continue walk out the bathroom to the bedroom. As, she's holding on to my very tightly.

" y/n I promise you wont fall"
I say as she puts her hands around my neck.

" yah I hope i don't"
she says as I playfully roll my eyes and set her on the bed laying down with a head on the pillow. I crawl up next to her and sit down, bring her head on my lap. I grab her hair trying to do a braid.

" what are you doing?"
she asks softly.

" I'm trying to make a braid"
I say she nods and closes her eyes.

" y/n promise me something"
I say as she opens her eyes and looks up at me.

" what?"

" promise me that your never going to keep a secret from me"
I say as she lightly nods,

" walk I trust you with my whole life, I promise."
I smile as I hear that. I can't believe that this is reality. Two weeks ago I was heartbroken and now I'm happier then even with her.

" oh and if Andrew ever again gets close to you come to me immediately. I'm going to kill him"
I say as she lightly chuckles.

" yes walker I promise"
she says as she closes her eyes again with a smile.

I hate Andrew and to do this is not right. I'm not letting this slide if he wants to fight, fight me! He keeps doing this because someone never put him in his place. To come after y/n is something he's going to regret. I told him if he ever touches y/n again he will regret it and now he's going to regret it for sure. He wants to play with fire ok be my guest but sometimes you just got to get burnt. Hes a perk and he better watch out because I'm coming for him and this time it's not only going to be me.

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now