jealously jealousy

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walker's pov:
As I'm walking to the trailer I see her and a boy talking. I Immediately hide behind a tree and hear what they are saying.I know this is wrong but I wanted to know what she was doing. As I keep looking at the boy I recognize him and remember he acted in sercret headquarters. Andrew.I remember him, he was a total douche. He was the meanest person I have ever worked with. He would bully me about my style and personality. Also, he would use girls like a player in school. But why is y/n talking to him?

Then I see him walking away and y/n waving bye. She immediately goes back to her trailer with a big smile on her face. I frown. I don't know why but I felt jealous. I know that's strange after that whole fight yesterday but even after that fight I still think about her and like her. I shouldn't even be jealous, she's not even mine.

When I see her close the door of the trailer I start getting away from the tree and start walking to her trailer. I get to the door and knock. She opens with a smile but it immediately fades into a frown when sees it's me at the door.

" what do you want walker?"
she says annoyed

" I want to talk. Can I pls come in?"
I say

" we already talked!"
She says

" pls"
I say
she looks at me up and down then opens the door fully for I can come in.
I step in and sit down on the big couch. She closes the door and sits on the makeup chair. Right across from me.

" so what do you want walker?"
she says

" look I want to talk about the whole rumor thing and want to tell you that that's not true. You know I would never talk bad about you."
she looks at the ground while fidgeting with her fingers

" who told you about that fake rumor?"
I say
she keeps looking at the ground

" Andrew"
she says
confusion wash's threw my face. Andrew said that fake rumor. I knew it ! He was all was trying to ruin my life and he knew I liked y/n.

" but I still don't believe you"
she says
still not daring to look at me
I stand up and walk to her and grab her chin. I pull her chin up for she can look at me.

" I would never do that to you. I have no proof to show you that I didn't but I would never do that to a person I like."

she stares at me with complete shock in her eyes. I give her a little smile and walk away.
I open the door to go but then stop myself.

" oh and by the way you look amazing as always."
she is still looking at me totally speechless
I step out of the trailer and close the door. I start walking to my trailer with a big smile on my face.

I promise that we will get y/ns pov in the next chapter

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now