are you ok?

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walkers pov:
We are all about to enter the elevator until I turn my head and see y/ns not next to me. I turn my head back to the crew as the elevator door is about to close.

" where's y/n ?"
I ask but they wander there eyes around the elevator and shrug their shoulders.

" you guys go up to see the room, I'm going to try to find y/n"
I say they nod and the elevator closes.
I start walking around and calling her name. I knocked on the women's restroom but the only response I got was a old lady say it's occupied. I'm starting to get nervous, what about some one took her?
But after a couple more minutes of looking I turn to a hallway and see her wiping her pants probably because they had dirt on them. I immediately run up to her.

" y/n are you ok? Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me?"
I say as I lightly grab her face to see if she doesn't have any bruises or cuts. I had so much questions.

" walker I'm fine let's go see the room"
She says as I lean in to grab her hand but she immediately moves her hand to her back. That's werid. But she shrugs it off and keeps walking.

" let's go"
she says as
I follow her from behind.
Why didn't she let me grab her hand?
We walk into the elevator and silently go up to are floor. It's was so silent you could hear a pin drop. What's wrong with her?
The elevator door opens and we walk out. We look around but we finally find are at the room. Room 25, nice! We open the door and walk in.


y/ns pov:
I walk into the room and sit down on the bed. I immediately grab my phone from my pocket and go to Snapchat. Andrew told me that that's how he found me so I am not letting him track me anymore. Who's the dipshit now Andrew! As I'm doing that I see from the corner of my eye walker come up to me and put his head on my shoulder.

" what's you doing?"
He asks
I immediately put my phone down and nod.

" umm nothing"
I say as he grabs a piece of my hair and starts twirling it on his finger

" y/n you know you don't have to keep secrets from me"
He says so softly
Even how he sounds is adorable.

" yes I know"
I lie
I wish it doesn't have to be like this. I wanted to enjoy Miami but now I can't because of Andrew. Andrew was right about one thing, I don't know what his capable of. Only because he came and visited me on set every week that doesn't mean I know him. Now that the whole closet thing happened I have been rethinking every moment we ever shared. I can't let him know what happened because the last thing I want is for him to get hurt.

" wanna watch some YouTube?"
He asks I nod
He stands up and gets the controller. He sits right back next to me and starts putting on YouTube.

" what do you wanna watch?"
he asks

" anything you want"
I says

he starts scrolling through the recommended page

" ooo we should watch the behind the scenes of percy jackson! They just came out!"
He says

" sure let's watch that"
I say as his searching it up and clicks the video on


walkers pov:
As we are watching the behind the scenes of shooting percy jackson, I see y/n just sitting there looking at the floor like she's thinking about something. Like she's lost in thought. I'm really confused because before she randomly disappeared she was acting completely normal but now she's acting strange. I click the video for it can pause.

" y/ns what's going on?"
I ask
she immediately brings her head up and shakes her head

" no nothings wrong walker I'm fine"
She says
Strange she would be calling me from my nickname walk not my real name. I sit right infront of her and grab her face with my palms.

" y/n you know I'm here if you need anything"
I say

" ya ya I know that. Stop worrying so much, I am totally fine I promise."
She says with a smile on her face.
I nod and grab my phone from my pocket. I see the time and it's time to go to dinner with the crew. I put my phone back in my pocket and I grab her hands.

" If you need anything I am here ok"
I say and she nods

" ok let's go to dinner with the crew it's getting late"
I say as I stand up and start walking to the door as she follows me from behind

" wait let me check if I left my phone somewhere"
She says I nod
She immediately runs around the room seeing where her phone is.

" ok I found it let's go"
She says as I immediately open the door and we walk out to the elevator.

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now