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y/ns pov:
As I'm laying down on the bed I hear the door open and see dior walk in. I sit up and I notice she has a frown on her face.

" what's wrong dior"
I ask
she smacks her lips

" I can't get the footage"
she says as she's coming to sit right next to me

" why?"
I ask
she sighs

" well because of the big fight that happened the police came and had to investigate to see if no harmful object were used."
she says

" wait so are walker and andrew getting arrested or something?"
I ask
she immediately starts shaking her head saying no

" no of course not! But they still have to check and make sure if there wasn't anything else that caused the fight. I asked my mom when we are going to get the footage back but she said it can take about a couple of days or less"
she says
I nod

" wait have you seen andrew?"
she asks
I tilt my head
wow I haven't thought about him
I was so focused on walker that I forgot

" no actually I haven't! I just saw him getting checked up in the hospital and then just left"
I say

" are you going to see him or no?"
she says
I sigh

" Do you think I should visit him?"
I say
she nods

" sure why not but visit him first then walker"
she says
I nod and start standing up to leave

" ok thank you dior for the advice, you are a life saver"
I say
she smiles

" no problem any time"
she says
I smile back and leave the room
I start walking down the stairs and open the door
I'm happy that andrew and walkers houses are not that far away from here because I have to walk the whole way.
I start walking to Andrew house and it takes me about 10 minutes. As I walk up to the door I take a deep breath and knock. It takes a couple seconds but then andrew opens the door.

" hey andrew how are you feeling?"
I ask

" good"
he says blankly with no emotion
I nod this is getting really awkward

" sooo.... what did the doctor tell you?"
I ask

" ummm he told me I was fine"
he says again with no emotion like he was tired of this conversation already

" ok what's wrong with you?"
I ask

" nothing I just don't feel like talking y/n! Can you come another day?"
He says
I nod

" ok bye"
I say

" bye"
he says and shuts the door
I turn around and start walking to walker's house. Wow that was awkward! Is he mad at me? Yes I do think it's wrong of me not to ask him in the moment of the fight if he was ok but walker passed out and of course I'm going to put my whole attention on walker.
After 10 more minutes of walking I finally arrive at walkers house. I walk to the front door and knock. Walkers mom opens the door and smiles

" hey y/n what drops you by?"
she asks

" I just wanted to talk with walker and see if he's ok. If he available to talk right now?"
I say
she nods and opens the door fully to let me in

" yah he's up stairs in he's room reading a book"
I nod and walk in
I start walking up the stairs up to walker room and knock on his door.

" come in!"
he says
I open the door and approach him
When he sees me he puts his book down and smiles at me
He was reading percy jackson, typical walker. I sit on the corner of his bed and smile back at him

" how are you feeling walker?"
I ask

" I'm feeling good! Just a little headache but that's all"
He says
I nod

" walker I am so sorry that happened to you"
I say

" y/n don't apologize it wasn't your fault"
He says
I smile and look down at the floor and back at him

" I'm just happy you are ok walk"
I say
He blushes and smile's even more.

" I'm happy we are not fighting anymore like we use to do"
He says
I nod

" me too walk"
I say
he looks down and back at me

" have you visited andrew?"
He asks
I sigh

" yep and he didn't want to talk so I just left"
I say
he rolls his eyes in annoyance

" y/n I got a question for you and answer me honestly"
He says
I nod

" are you on his side or my side?"
he says
I exhale

" walk I don't know it complicated! I'm not on his or your side.... I am confused and still trying to figure things out ok"
I says as I grab my hair and start playing with it

he comes closer to me and tilts his head

" y/n you know you can tell me anything.what things are you figuring out?"
He says as he looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I look down
I can't tell him about my feels! I have to see the footage first and then I will tell him.

" walker I know I can tell you everything but I'm just not ready to tell you. Pls don't be mad "
I say
he gives me a little smile and nods

" y/n I would never be mad at you. When you are ready to tell me, tell me"
He says
I give him a little smile back and blush a little

" ok I have to go because diors waiting for me at her place but it was nice seeing you"
I say as I'm standing up and fixing my mini backpack

he nods

" yah it was nice seeing you too"
He says
I turn around to leave until he stands up and grabs my hand. I turn around and look at him as he gets closer to my face.
" Be the way, thank you for looking out for me. Dior told me that you got really worried about me"
he says as his blue eyes are shining at me

" yah walk of course if something happens to you i don't know what I will do with myself"
I say as I smile at him
he blushes
and gets closer to my face and kiss my forehead ( a little deja va moment here)

" you're so cute when your anxious"
he says close to me ear
I blush like a tomato
He turns around and sits back on his bed and smiles and continues reading his book.
I just wave goodbye and leave immediately. If I would have stayed in there longer I would have gone insane. I hate hiding my feels from him and if he acts all loving like this it's even harder to do. I walk down the stairs and wave walkers parents goodbye.

" bye y/n thank you for stopping by"
walkers mom says

" no problem miss scobell have a nice day bye "
I say
As I open the door and start walking to diors house. My face was still red from what happened. As I see him more my feelings for him keep growing inside of me.

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now