life hasn't been the best

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walkers pov:
we're back on set filming the last couple of scenes for the show . It's been hard to film and act to be honest. I feel sad and just vulnerable, it's hard to always see the girl you like on set with a boy that's behind her like a dog. She said it was for the best but really? This is the best! Not talking to each other, acting like we are strangers knowing that we play love interest in a show. I tired, I really tried to make things right but I'm completely lost and don't know what to do.
To fix this whole situation we need a miracle because I don't think this could be fixed easily . We have fought some many times that I don't go near her anymore because I know that will start a whole argument again . I should be happy because the premiere is almost here but I don't feel anything. This is my first show and it has been ruined by one thing. One thing that I think is perfect, beautiful and amazing but that has all turned out to be a horrible thing . I don't hate y/n! Why would I ? I think I could never hate her, she could break everything in my life and I would still love her just the same as the start. She has just been manipulated by the industry, I just hope one day she can see it.

I'm with charlie playing with the swords from set. We are fighting and he doing good but im not doing so great.
He swings he sword and I fall back

" wow you need more practice"
he says as his pulling me up from the ground

" yeah"
I say
my bones were hurting from falling back so many times

" let's sit down"
he says
we walk to the chairs and sit for a break

" walker I know something is wrong, you were amazing at this before we went on the trip. But now coming back from the trip it's like everything changed"
he says
I look to the ground with my elbows on my knee

" life hasn't been the best since then so that's maybe why"
I say

" look I am gonna ask you a question but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to but did something happen between you and y/n?"
he says
even hearing her name makes me want to cry

I look up at him and nod

" do you want to explain what happened?"
he says
I sigh

" we got in two argument staying at the hotel. On one of the arguments I told her I liked her but she just pushed me away like nothing"
I say
looking at my lap

he comes closer to me and hugs me
I hug him back

" I'm sorry man I knew how much you liked her. But don't worry she's one day going to see it"
he says

" you really think?"
I say

He pulls away from the hug and nods

" ofc! Just let her take time cause you know she's going threw something right now with somebody."
he says
wait what somebody else ?

I tilt my head and look at him in confusion

" wait somebody else! who?"
I say

he takes a deep breath

" follow me"
he says
and we start walking outside and hide behind a building

" you see y/n right"
he says

" yep she's standing there. I think she waiting for somebody"
i say

" wait a moment"
he says
and we wait here for couple secs until I see andrew walk up to her and give her a hug

I should have known, I am so dumb. They hangout a lot for a reason.

charlie looks at me

" look I am not doing this to hurt you feelings. It's actually for the opposite. The girl has some else in her mind. You just have to wait for the perfect moments to grab her."
he says

I look to the ground

" I guess"

he was about to say something else until dior comes up to us

" cmon guys we have to film the last few scenes"
dior says

we both nod and follow her to the set

2 weeks later

I'm in my hotel room getting ready. I'm sitting on this chair with a big mirror infront my face. Theirs two people next to me getting my hair ready.
I'm all ready in my suit. It's a dark blue color with a red tie. I like it I think it's pretty fancy. I'm pretty excited, this is my first premiere. I just know that's their is going to be a lot of paparazzi and fans there waiting for the crew to show up.
The group chat is blowing up my phone but I can't look at it because there doing my hair and I have to look straight at the mirror .

" ok walker you are all done! Let's start heading out"
the lady nexts to me says

I stand up and stretch
sitting for that long made my back hurt

my mom and dad are waiting for my next to the door

" mom, dad come here!"
I call them and they come into the room
My mom comes up and hugs me

" you look amazing!"

she pulls away and gives me a kiss on the cheek
I smile

my dad comes up to me

" wow you look like a man !"
my dad says

" dad stop!"
I say in embarrassment

" I'm just joking around but you look good walker"
he says
then gives me a big hug

" ok guys let's pray then get out of here"
My moms says
my dad pulls away from the hug and we hold all of each other's and do a prayer before walking out

" amen "
my moms says
then we start walking out of the room and going into the elevator
we press for the first floor and go down.
to be honest I'm pretty nervous.
I have never been to a big event like this but I guess there is a first for everything.

I walk out of the elevator and see lots of fans next to the taxi I am taking to go to the event.
I walk out and hear a bunch of people say my name at once. But I walk threw and get into the car.

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now