is this making things worse?

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y/n's pov:
I walk out of the room and start walking the hallway to Leah and diors room. I couldn't stay in the room any longer. I couldn't stare at those eyes. The way he was staring at me made me want to stay and be with him. But Im doing this for him and his career. I have to stay and follow what the business tells me, even if it means ignoring walker. That hurts me a lot but I'm doing this for the best. But I guess accomplishing your dreams have pros and cons.

I knock on the door
and see Leah open the door

" Hey y/n !"
she says
and comes up and hug me

" Hey!"
I say and hug back
she pulls away from the hug

" so what's up?"
she says

" so I was wondering if I could stay here for the night?"
I say

" sure come in!"
she says

and opens the door fully
I walk in and see dior on the bed playing with slime

" Hey Y/n!"
dior says and comes up to hug me

" Hey dior!"
I say and hug back
then she pulls away from the hug and sits back on the bed

Leah's close the door and sit on the bed next to her

" dior, y/n staying the night with us!"
Leah says
dior smiles

" YAY this is gonna be so much fun but why didn't you tell this to us sooner?"
dior ask
I sit on the bed infront of them with a frown on my face
they look at me confused and concerned

" I came hear unannounced because me and walker got into a agreement"
I say
they both look at each other and back at me

" what happened?"
Leah says

" well it a long story but I'm going to summarize it for you. So yesterday me and walker got into a argument. When arguing he told me he likes me. I didn't say anything back because I was surprised and shocked. So he went to the bathroom and locked him self in there. Then we didn't speak about it until today. And speaking about it today it turned into another argument."
they both look surprised and really focused in everything that I was saying

" so did you tell him you liked him back or not?"
dior ask

" this is the problem, I rejected him"
I say
she tilts her head

" why?"
dior asks

I gulp

" look this wasn't easy to tell him but I told him that we can't be together. Because when I entered the whole acting thing they told me " don't fall in love with your costar". So I told him that even if it was hard for me to say. I'm doing it for the best of him"
I say

" wow I didn't know that happened"
Leah says

" yep"
I say

" walkers probably heart broken"
dior says

" yeah he really is"
I say
putting my head down feeling really bad

" how do you feel about it?"
Leah asks

" tbh I don't feel good about it. I feel so bad for him but I hope that he finds one day the right girl for him"
I say
talking about it made me really sad and it was making me think about regretting it but I have to remember it's for the best

" so wanna to watch so Tv?"
I say
they both nod and grab pillows
I stand up and grab the remote then I lay down next to dior and Leah. And put on damsel.

the next day
we all are putting are luggage in the car to go back home. As I am I see walker in the corner of my eye alone sitting on the bench with headphones on. He hasn't looked at me or have talked to me since the fight yesterday. I'm starting to feel really bad but I hope he realizes it all for the good of his career.

" ok everyone get in the car"
charlie says
we all starting getting in the car
I sit in the front next to Charlie and everyone else sits in the back

" ok is everyone ready?"
charlie says

everyone says
and with that charlie starts driving

20 minutes in the ride I turn my head and see walker in the way back of the bus. Everyone else was talking to each other but he was in the back with headphones on looking out the window.
I look turn my head back to the front and think is this making things worse?

will we ever get along? | walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now