✶ time to go home

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y/ns pov:
Me and walker are in the elevator going down to the lobby.We packed all are stuff and I guess it's time to leave. Thats a real bummer because we haven't explored Miami that much as I wanted to. But I hope we can go another time.

The elevator door opens and we both walk out with luggage in are hand to the group that are in the corner waiting for us. They all turn around and wave at us. We walk up to them.

" I heard what happened and I'm so sorry! Why didn't you tell us anything?"
dior asks as I shrugged my shoulders.

" I was a fool and I listened to him"
I say as she immediately comes up and gives me a hug, leah joins in too.

" your not a fool, he is the fool."
leah says as she pulls away from the hug. I smile from the kindness of my friends.

" thanks guys"
I say as leah comes close to my ear.

" is he still here?"
she asks as her eyes wander around the room.

" that's the thing I don't know. He doesn't have his track settings on. But he was observing what I was doing so probably yeah"
I say as dior and leah both nod.

" ok let's walk out to the car before we see that creep again"
Charlie says as we all nod and starting walking outside to the car. I keep looking around me. I can't believe I really have a stalker and it's my old costar?!? But then I feel someone grab my hand. I turn my head to see walker smiling at me. I smile back as he gives my hand a tight squeeze, reassuring me that everything is ok.

We get to the car and open the trunk. We put all are stuff in and get into are seats ready to do a 4 hour drive back home.

" ok guys it's going to be around 4 hours so hold on tight"
Charlie says as we all nod. He turns on the car and drives off.
I sit there bitting my lip while I'm looking out the window. Andrew is probably following me right now! But wait I took the track settings off. But can he track me on something else? My thoughts are all over the place, I was more worried then I thought I was.

Walker notices and puts his head on my lap as his looking up at me. I stop and look down back at him. He immediately grabs my face and pecks my lips.

" y/n I know your nervous but everything is going to be ok I promise"
he says with a light smile.

" wait how do you know im nervous?"
I ask as he smirks.

" cmon y/n I know you better then that. You bite your lip and cheeks when your in thought or nervous about something"
He says as I playfully roll my eyes. He knows me better then I thought.

" ok fine scobell you got me"
I say as he giggles and plants kisses on my head.

" I know this is a lot to ask but can yo-"

" play with your hair. Yes scobell i would love too"
I interrupt him. He looks at me surprised but then smiles.

" thank you"
he says softly as he closes his eyes. I put my hands in his hair and start twirling it with my finger. I just watch him as he looks so relaxed. Sometimes I ask myself, how could I let down walker and go with Andrew? Walker is 1 million times better then Andrew but I was so blind. I regret are fights when we were on set. I should have not rejected his feelings and made him so miserable. That is one of my biggest regrets. If I just would have left Andrew and got with walker none of this would of happened. And we both would have been so much happier. But I guess things happen for a reason.

My eyes start to close as my tiredness takes over me. I eventually start drifting off to sleep with my head on the door window.

4 hours later:
I open my eyes and immediately see blue eyes infront me. I jump a little then realize it's walker. He laughs as I rub my eyes and sit up a bit.

" wait why am I here?"
I ask as my eyes wander around the room.

" you feel asleep in the car and I didn't want to wake you up so I brought you inside"
He says as I realize that I'm in my bedroom.

" wow I didn't even wake up"
I say as he lays down next to me, looking up at the ceiling.

" yep I guess your a deep sleeper like me"
he says with a smirk. I playfully hit him in the shoulder with my elbow. He puts his hand on his shoulder and looks at me surprised.

" owwww what was that for?"
he says as I smirk.

" revenge"
I try to say in a evil way. He playfully rolls his eyes and gets on tops of me.

" well now I'm going to give you revenge"
he says as he starts tickling me in my stomach. I immediately start laughing really hard trying to get away from me but he keeps going.

" wallllkkkkker stoppp"
I whine as I'm still laughing my butt off.

" no not until you say these words"

" okkkk whatttt words do I say?"
I say as I cant even talk.

" I love walker scobell"
he says with a smirk.

" nope"
I say but he keeps going to the point, we are on the floor as I keep trying to get him off me.

" say it or will not stop"
he says as I couldn't even breath anymore.

" ok ok fine I love walker scobell"
I say as he immediately stops ticking me and plants a kiss my forehead.

" good"
he says proudly as he crawls back up the bed. I take a deep breath as I follow him behind.

" you will have revenge one day scobell"
I say as he lightly smirks.

" oh really let's see about that!"
he says as he mocks me.

" don't test me scobell!"
I say pointing my finger at him.

" ok ok fine y/l/n"
he says as he pulls me closer to him and kisses my head.

" did I ever tell you how much I loved you?"
he asks as I lightly nod.

" yes you have scobell"
I say as I lightly giggle.

" well that's good to know"
he says as with both smile and enjoy each others company.

will we ever get along? | walker scobellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ