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"Alright, alright, pay attention." Harry said, he was once again standing in the middle of the courtyard and was surrounded by students from all years and houses. "So, the banishing charm, 'depulso', not to be confused with the other banishing charm 'Evanesco'. Can anyone tell me the differences between them?" Harry asked, several students raised their hands. "Go on." Harry said, pointing at Flora Carrow who had enthusiastically raised her hand.

"Evanesco is the vanishing spell and is used to vanish things but is sometimes called the banishing charm, 'depulso' actually blasts someone away." She answered with a smile.

"Correct," Harry nodded, causing her smile to go bigger. "the word 'depulso' sounds similar to 'repulse', long story short it is driving/pushing something away. Now, when you blast someone away, the effectiveness of the spell is dependent on what?"

"Oh, magical strength?" Katie Bell guessed.

"Partly," Harry nodded. "magical strength undoubtedly is part of it, but let's say that you and me were magically equal, I'd still be able to blast someone farther away than you can. You want to know why? Because of intent. Does everyone here know what boxing is? It is a muggle combative sport where two opponents face each other and are only allowed to punch each other. When they fight they don't just throw their arms, they use their feet and hips to help generate power and twist their whole body into a punch. And when they do they don't aim for their opponent's face, they aim past it, like they want to punch someone behind the opponent and the opponent is simply in the way. You've got to act like that when you blast someone, not necessarily in a friendly duel but in a life or death situation you should imagine how intense you want your attack to be. You don't want to just knock them over, you want to blast them back! When you cast the spell you should..."

As Harry continued his little impromptu lesson, a certain someone was watching from a window above, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the Harry, the boy she believed to be nothing more than a trouble making little half-blood who was corrupting innocent pureblood children and trying to cause trouble for the Ministry. But soon, soon she would prove to everyone exactly what he was and then shove the miserable brat into Azkaban, the very thought of it caused her to giggle.

"Harry," Angela said as she, Harry and the other Slytherin's in his year stopped outside of the great hall at dinner time. "you might want to take a look at this." She said, gesturing to a new decree that had been posted on the wall.

Educational Decree Number Twenty-four: All Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded. An Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge). No Student Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organization, Society, Team Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

All of the Slytherin's stared at Harry, waiting to see his reaction to the latest decree. Harry read the decree, paused and then read it again. The group watched as Harry's lips thinned considerably, at first the group thought he was doing an angry imitation of Professor McGonagall, except that thought died away as his cheeks puffed out and turned slightly red, the group blinked as they saw Harry was trying to control his laughter. He didn't succeed as a few seconds later a loud laugh escaped from his mouth as he continued to stare at the decree.

"Has he gone mad?" Draco whispered to the others.

"I'm sure he's no more mad than usual." Tracey replied.

"That's not comforting." Theo replied.

"Shut it." Daphne said.

"Harry, are you okay?" Angela asked.

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