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"Hey, have you heard what the rest of the school is calling the two of you?" Blaise asked Harry and Daphne as the group walked to their next transfigurations class.

"I don't really pay much attention to the school rumours if I don't have to," Harry honestly admitted as he and Daphne walked while holding hands, Jet was resting on Daphne's shoulders, Thor wasn't currently with the group as he was being babysat by his 'Aunt Hedwig'. The pair walking together with Harry's familiar on Daphne's shoulders while the other Slytherins were surrounding them made for quite an imposing image. "but you do have my interest, what are they calling us?" Harry asked.

"They're calling you the 'Silver King and Queen of Slytherin'." Blaise told him with a grin on his face.

"The Silver King?" Harry repeated in a questioning voice before a grin came on to his face. "Hmm, I like it."

"You would," Daphne snorted in amusement before she also grinned. "though I have to admit that I like it too."

"It suits you both." Jet said in an approving tone.

"I'm not surprised you like it," Draco said in an amused voice. "if you two are the king and queen then does that make the rest of us your knights?"

"Hmm," Harry hummed. "well, well Draco, apparently you will make something of your life after all. My knight, you should be proud." Harry grinned at him.

"Prat." Draco said with a roll of his eyes as the others chuckled.

"Alright Daph," Harry said as he, Daphne, and Tracey were in an abandoned classroom, Jet was with them (obviously) and was currently perched on Tracey's shoulders. Tracey and Jet were sitting off at the side while Daphne and Harry were standing a small distance away from each other, both had their wands out. "let's see what you got." Harry said with a grin.

"Be careful what you wish for, Potter." Daphne said in a playful voice before she flicked her wand, sending a dark blue spell at Harry who easily side stepped it before responding with a small flame blast that Daphne easily dispelled.

"Have you talked with your parents about our relationship yet?" Harry asked in a casual voice as the two continued to trade spells, neither going all out since this was really nothing more than a sparring session.

"Not in person, obviously." Daphne replied as she shielded against a disarming spell, Harry next followed up with a water blast which she dispelled before shooting an ice blast at him.

"Obviously." Harry nodded as he waved his wand over himself, causing a weak and low powered shield to wrap around his body like cling film, the shield easily broke but served the purpose of stopping Daphne's spell.

"I did send them a letter though," Daphne added as she ducked a stunner and blocked a full body bind spell. "they then sent their reply to me." Daphne said as she shot several ropes towards Harry.

"Oh?" Harry asked as he put up a shield that caused the ropes to fall to the ground, he then quickly cast an animation spell to cause the ropes to charge towards Daphne like snakes. "And what did they say?" Harry asked as Daphne burnt the ropes before sending some red sparks at Harry.

"Well, Mother was ecstatic." Daphne said with a small sigh as she shielded against a mud like glob that Harry had sent at her, she flicked her wand and sent it back at him before she fired a sticky goo spell at him.

"That's good to know," Harry said after easily dealing with Daphne's spells. "and your father?" Harry asked. He sent a leg locker curse at her followed by another spell that would cause her hair to wrap around her eyes like a blind fold

"Don't know yet." Daphne admitted before she sent a water blast at Harry who waved his wand and caused the water to fall harmlessly to the floor.

"Ah well, at least I'm getting in good practise in case he disapproves." Harry said as he shot another spell at her.

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