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"That was horrible!" Umbridge growled out, sitting in the comfort of her own office, she took a sip of some calming tea which unfortunately did very little to calm her down. Her hands were shaking and it took a considerable amount of effort to stop herself from accidently destroying her cup.

What happened in the great hall was not just the most embarrassing and horrifying moment of her career, but also her whole life, she was positive that Dumbledore was the person behind this. She was positively sure that the old man had done this to ruin her image along with the Minister's. She had to contact Cornelius straight away, he had to be informed as soon as possible. Hopefully she could use the incident to help convince him to take action.

She knew what she had to do, she had to get rid of Potter and Dumbledore, that will be the only way to properly have the order she needed. She would fix this school by getting rid of both of them.

"Alright, everyone who is interested in quidditch, listen up." Harry said out loud in the common room.

It had been a couple of days since the 'howler event' of the great hall, Fudge and his people were currently trying to deal with the public reaction which was probably why Umbridge hadn't attended a single class in the last two days, not that any of the students were complaining. During that time Harry had held quidditch try-outs for pretty much every position on the team with the exception of his own, much to the annoyance of the current quidditch team members. Draco had repeatedly complained about having to try-out but Harry had been unmovable in his decision.

The members of the quidditch team wanted badly to complain to their head of house but knew it would only make things worse. It was well known that Professor Snape had no love for Harry but it was only his skills in quidditch that caused Snape to make him quidditch captain, over the years Snape's dislike for Harry had not decreased but he was willing to admit that the wizard was talented in many areas, quidditch being one of them. And the sour potions teacher did not want to lose to Gryffindor or any of the other houses so it was very unlikely for him to actually do anything about Harry. Plus if they did complain then that could result in an upset Harry no matter what the results and nobody wanted an upset Harry aimed at them. The rest of the house wouldn't protest much against it either due to their own desire to win the quidditch school cup, so if Harry said that he only wanted players that earned their way onto the team then they weren't going to say anything.

"Now, if you're interested in knowing who the members of the Slytherin quidditch team are, then keep listening." Harry said once the attention of the whole common room was on him. "The first member, to nobody's surprise, is me." Harry said with a grin, earning a few amused snorts. "Firstly, our seeker was and still is Draco Malfoy."

"Yes!" Malfoy cheered loudly, Crabbe and Goyle clapping for him along with Pansy and a few other Slytherin's.

"Secondly, the beaters for the team are Frank Wick and John Castle." Harry said, gesturing to two six year students. Frank looked like a rough boy that you should avoid fighting with while John had a more 'quiet kid in the library that you shouldn't mess with' look. The two of them nodded appreciatively at Harry as a few people cheered for them. "Our keeper is Steve Barnes," Harry added, pointing to a seventh year student. Steve both smiled and blushed as a few people cheered for him. "And now onto the two chasers that will be joining me," Harry continued. "firstly, much to my surprise, we have young Ginny Weasley." Harry said.

"Well, don't look so surprised." Ginny huffed when several people stared at her with disbelief.

"Yeah, the little spitfire earned her spot." Harry grinned. "And the next chaser joining us is none other than the beautiful and lovely, Miss Davis." Harry said, aiming his grin at Tracey.

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