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"Harry," Tracey spoke up, sat opposite Harry and Daphne in the library. "when are you doing quidditch try-outs?" She asked as they continued to work on their homework, Thor was perched on her shoulder while Jet was on Daphne's.

"As soon as I can book the bloody pitch," Harry said with a small sigh. "I tried to book it earlier but the other three houses already beat me to it."

"Assholes." Daphne replied before going back to her work.

"Why do you ask?" Harry asked Tracey.

"Well, I was thinking of trying out for a spot." Tracey admitted, causing Daphne to once again look up from her homework while Harry simply raised an eyebrow at her.

"You're thinking of trying out? Really?" Harry asked.

"What? You think I'm not good enough or something?" Tracey replied, a hint of anger in her voice.

"I'm not saying that, I'm just surprised." Harry replied, holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "But if you are willing to try then I wish you the best of luck and I sincerely hope you get in."

"Wait, aren't you the one who decides that?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, I am, but she's got to earn her spot like everyone else." Harry shrugged. "If she has the skills, she'll make the team, simple as."

"Good," Tracey nodded. "the last thing I need is being accused of only getting on the team because of favouritism."

"It's more likely you'd be accused of seducing me for a spot on the team." Harry replied.

"Would that work?" Tracey asked with a teasing smile.

"Honestly? Wouldn't hurt your chances." Harry joked.

"I'm honestly surprised that you've not tried to get rid of Umbridge yet." Draco said as he and the other Slytherin's in Harry's year sat together in the common room. "I mean...granted she's only been here for a couple of days, but still."

"I'm not planning to get rid of her, not yet anyway." Harry smirked, sitting back in his seat with Daphne leaning into him. Jet was resting on her lap while Thor was perched on Harry's shoulders.

"Not yet?" Tracey asked in a curious voice. Harry didn't immediately answer, instead he looked around the room before he spoke again.

"Over the last few days I've had a recurring thought, one that keeps popping into my head, again and again and again." Harry said, sounding serious enough that Daphne stopped leaning into him so she could properly look at him.

"What is it?" Daphne asked, her beautifully blue eyes showing that she was giving him her full attention.

"There are three main armies. Voldemort..." Harry began, ignoring the way the majority of the people in the room shivered. "...has an army, his death eaters. They're a pretty good army, though my research has shown that Voldemort..."

"Will you stop saying that name?!" Pansy shrieked.

"Anyway, Voldemort," Harry said, saying the name as slow as he could. "has an army of death eaters, the majority of them are competent wizards and witches, but he's also been known to take just about anyone who is willing to join, provided they are purebloods or at the very least competent halfbloods. Then we have Dumbledore, he doesn't have an official army or anything but he does have a great many wizards and witches willing to help him, some to fight against Voldemort, others because of their respect and admiration for the man. He has his little 'Order of the Phoenix', but from what I have seen, they're not very effective. Then we have Minister Fudge, the idiot, he has the aurors who are trained, even if the auror standard has dropped since the last war."

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