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Harry and the other champions currently found themselves standing on a platform in the middle of the Great Lake (also known as the Black Lake) after being taken to the platform by boats, there were three platforms but the champions had all gathered on the middle one. Behind the four champions were a few close people, for Krum and Delacour it was several people from their schools including the heads of their school, Headmaster Karkaroff and Madam Maxime. For Cedric it was a couple of his Hufflepuffs friends while Harry had Draco, Nott, Tracey and Angela. Blaise had also been missing, Harry rather correctly guessed that he was Miss Delacour's treasure since he was who she went to the ball with.

Behind them was also Professor Dumbledore and the other judges, though Ludo noticeably tried to keep as much people in-between himself and Lord Black as possible. The students from all three schools had gathered on the upper levels of the platforms to cheer them on and to watch the task which they were thankfully able to do thanks to the flying two way mirrors. Eventually everyone appeared to have been ready enough to start the task.

"Welcome, welcome all to the second task of the Triwizard tournament," Dumbledore said, his voice magically amplified. "the task is a very simple one." Dumbledore said, and it was true, after the last task the judges had all looked over Ludo's plans for the other two tasks and found them convoluted, stupid, ridiculous and needlessly dangerous. Lord Black had actually said that if they intended to follow through with these plans then they would need to buy him a new pair of boots because he would probably lose a pair while kicking Ludo's arse. Needless to say the plans had been changed. They had also made sure to actually get permission from the guardians of the hostages along with the hostages themselves, the last thing they needed was more bad publicity. "We have taken something from each champion, I suppose that you could call them a treasure. In the bottom of the Black Lake is where we have put these treasures, one for each champion, their objective is simple. Get their treasure within the time limit, the time limit being one hour, good luck champions."

Dumbledore signalled the champions to start getting ready and they did so, Krum stripped to a simple pair of red knee length swimming shorts, revealing his muscular body which had clearly been affected by hours of quidditch practise. The mirrors zoomed in on him, many females in the audience enjoyed the sight. Next was Cedric who ended up wearing a simple pair of black knee length swimming shorts. His body was not extremely muscular nor did was it extremely skinny, he was thin but his abs didn't stand out, he had muscles but was not as muscular as Krum, still...the girls appeared to love it. Fleur Delacour ended up wearing a rather simple white, one piece swimming suit. Despite the simplicity of it she earned quite a few loud roars of approval from the many males in the audience.

Then the mirrors focused on Harry who was now standing in a pair of dark green knee length swimming shorts, the girls in the audience certainly appreciated his lithe body and some even began counting his abs, Harry's muscles were not as big as Krum's but they were very defined. Thanks to Ted and Tonks, Harry exercised daily and practising a lot of magic helped him burn a lot of fat, as did being an animagus. The mirrors also focused on the scar on Harry's arm from when the basilisk had bitten him, leading those who didn't know about it to wonder just how he got it.

If Harry looked behind himself then he would see Angela smirking while Tracey was blushing.

"Stay ready champions," Professor Dumbledore said, the champions moved to the edge of the platform. "stay ready and you may all begin at the sound of the cannon." Dumbledore said, the cannon fired a couple of seconds later, signalling the start of the task.

Fleur, Cedric and Victor all quickly started casting spells before they dived into the lake. Cedric and Fleur had decided to go for a bubblehead charm, a charm that is used to allow a person to breathe underwater. An enormous bubble appears around the head of the person casting the spell, which makes their features look oddly wide and stretched. It was a good spell but had the disadvantage of being easily breakable. Krum on the other hand had decided to go for a much more difficult option and had performed a partial transfiguration, turning his head into that of a shark's, including the gills.

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