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"And how exactly did you find this?" Harry asked, looking around the room he was in with a wide grin.

The room he was in was currently filled with plenty of training dummies, mats and other various pieces of equipment that could be used to help train people. This room is located on the seventh floor in the left corridor of the Hogwarts castle and has a hidden entrance opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet. Harry had walked past this corridor hundreds of times throughout his years at Hogwarts, but he had never found this room.

"It wasn't easy," Angela admitted. "eventually I called both of your house elves and asked for help, I asked if they knew any secret rooms. Dobby never worked in Hogwarts while Flipsy had only started a short while before meeting you so they didn't know the castle as well as they could have, but they did direct me to one of the more experienced elves. He told me that this room is the 'room of requirement', also known as the 'come and go' room. If we walk past the wall three times and think about what we need, the room will provide us with it. I wanted a training room, and here we go."

"Angela," A very happy Harry spoke. "if you can get this room to shift into a bedroom then I swear to Merlin, I will take you right here and now."

"Oh?" Angela smirked just before the room changed. "Huh, apparently it can change from the inside as well." She said before sitting down on the bed that had appeared behind her. "Go on then, Master, you did say you'd take me."

"And I'm a man of my word." Harry grinned.

"Are you sure about this, Harry?" Tracey asked as she and the rest of the fifth year Slytherin's stepped in to the Hogs Head Inn, a slightly disreputable inn and pub run by Aberforth Dumbledore, brother of none other than Hogwarts's own headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

"She's right, there are plenty of better places to have this meeting." Blaise commented as he looked around the seedy bar.

"I meant actually having the meeting." Tracey said with a roll of her eyes.

"Tracey, I'm more than sure." Harry told her before moving over to the bartender who was none other than Aberforth. "Alright mate? Can we get a few butterbeers for all of us, please? Also, fair warning, we're going to be expecting a lot of company here."

"Hmm." Aberforth grunted and sent him a curious look but didn't do more than that before going off to get the butterbeers.

"Why this place?" Daphne asked as the group sat down together. "It's not exactly...sanitary." She said, looking around and frowning at how unclean everything was.

"Most people go somewhere else, that's why." Harry said before he took his wand out and lazily waved it, cleaning the entire room of dust. "That's better." Harry said just before Angela came in, she smiled at them and sat down just before other students started pouring in.

"So, is this more or less than what you expected?" Theo asked several minutes later when the bar had become filled with students from all years and houses.

"Honestly? Exactly what I expected." Harry told him before standing up, the second he had stood up the other students had quietened down. Harry looked around, he knew that Angela had done her best to exclude students that would cause more problems than anything, such as Ronald Weasley and those that were firmly and undeniably on the side of the ministry and death eaters. With that being said he was still going to be cautious around them until he could say for sure whose side they were on. "Hello everyone, for those who don't know who I am for some reason, I'm Harry Potter. And you all should know that I wanted to speak to you all, let's be blunt here, Dolores Umbridge is a complete idiot." He said, many students nodded at that. "And right now, she isn't teaching you all anything of value."

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