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"Shorten your wand movements, Harry." Andromeda advised, she was currently sat on a chair and was gently stroking Jet who was sat in her lap. The pair were watching as Harry and Tonks were engaging in another duel. "He's gotten better, hasn't he?" Andromeda whispered to Jet who nodded in response.

"Come on Harry," Tonks said as she dodged a disarming spell and shielded against a knockback jinx. "you can do better than that. Think outside of the box."

"What about in the triangle?" Harry asked as he drew a golden triangle shape in the air with his wand. "Triplex inspiratione." Harry said as he jabbed his wand in the middle of the triangle, three small golden beams shot out from the corners of the triangle and headed towards Tonks.

"Whoa!" Tonks blurted out as she dodged two of the beams and barely shielded in time to block the third. "Where the hell did you learn that?" She blinked.

"I have a lot of books." Harry shrugged before aiming his wand at Tonks and firing a blindfold at her, Tonks cut the blindfold in half before it could reach her and she blocked the fire blast that Harry followed up with.

"My turn then." Tonks said before she began firing at Harry. Harry knew that Tonks had an advantage in the fact that she could silent cast while Harry hadn't yet learned to do that. Harry could recognize a few spells she would use but chose to try and avoid them even if he did. Harry hadn't yet mastered the shield charm, Tonks and the other two members of the Tonks family have told him that he is far closer to mastering it than any other person at his age would be but it still wasn't good enough to use.

As Harry side stepped a stunner he quickly ducked to avoid a follow up body bind spell, then dropped flat on the floor to avoid a second stunner. Harry learnt a lot from his duels with Tonks, even if he admittedly lost all of them. One thing that Harry would learn is what tricks Tonks would use in a duel, an example being tricking him into dodging one spell only to step right into another two spells. Harry fired off a tripping hex and a knockback spell to distract Tonks long enough for him to get to his knees.

"Pila ricochet!" Harry yelled as he aimed his wand up at the ceiling, a glowing white ball shot out of his wand and bounced off the ceiling, it shot down and bounced off the ground, it went up and nearly hit Tonks in the face but she barely managed to lean back in time to avoid it.

The ball bounced off the ceiling again and headed to a wall, it bounced off the wall to the floor before charging towards Tonk's back. Tonk's blocked a disarming spell from Harry before glancing back and seeing the ball, her eyes widened and she quickly stepped to the side, the ball grazed her clothes but didn't really hit her. It flew past her but didn't fly too far past thanks to Harry's next spell.

"Flippendo!" Harry's knockback spell hit the ball and pushed it backwards, it struck Tonk's in the stomach, causing her to stumble back just as the ball disappeared. She managed to block Harry's next spell but tripped as she did so and fell on her butt, allowing Harry to hit her with a body bind spell. "I...did...I just...I just...I won!" Harry gaped. "Did you guys see that?! I won!" Harry said happily as he looked at Andromeda and Jet.

"Excellent as always, Master." Jet hissed just as Andromeda carried him over and handed him to Harry.

"Well done, dear." Andromeda smiled at him before she took out her wand and released Tonks from her body bind.

"Damn," Tonks groaned as she sat up. "please tell me I didn't just lose to someone who is not even really a second year."

"I wish that I could," Andromeda replied with an amused look on her face. "I wish that I could, but you did. You got cocky and weren't performing at your usual standards."

"You're right." Tonks sighed as she stood up, she had beaten Harry so many times that she expected this time to be no different and wasn't treating him with the seriousness he deserved. "I pray to any and all gods in existence that Mad-Eye doesn't find out about this." She said, grimacing at the thought of what Mad-Eye would do if he found out that she'd lost to Harry, the screams of 'constant vigilance' would never leave her ears. "Still, well done Harry." She smiled at Harry.

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