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By the time that the school express had arrived at Hogwarts nearly every student had heard that Harry Potter - the boy-who-lived - had fought off dementors with a patronus charm. So by the time Harry and his friends had gotten out of the train they had nearly every eye on them.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" Jet asked. "Have they finally recognized our brilliance?"

"Seems like it." Harry said in a dry voice as they walked towards the thestral pulled carriages. Harry had looked up as much information as he could find on the creatures the very second he was able to.

The Thestral is a breed of winged horse with a skeletal body, face with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resemble a bat's. They are native to the British Isles and Ireland, though they have been spotted in parts of other countries like France, they are very rare, and are considered dangerous by the British Ministry of Magic. Thestrals are, undeservedly in Harry's opinion, known as omens of misfortune and aggression by many wizards because they are visible only to those who have witnessed death at least once or due to their somewhat grim, gaunt and ghostly appearance. Harry was always able to see them, mostly because he had seen death many, many times just from watching Jet eat.

Astoria bid the group goodbye before she went with the rest of the first years to cross the lake by boat, Harry knew that it was tradition for all the first years to cross the lake but Harry along with many others really wished that they would just hurry things up so everyone can start eating. Harry was just glad that he was able to get his hunger and animal behavior under control in time for school.

Eventually Harry and his friends were able to arrive at the entrance to the castle, they had only taken a few steps forwards when Professor McGonagall and an irritated looking Professor Snape arrived in front of them.

"Mr Potter, please come with us." Professor McGonagall ordered.

"May I ask why?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "As far as I am aware I have broken no rules, in fact I had just gotten here. And if I am being quite honest I would rather not miss the feast after spending hours and hours on a train."

"Quite Potter," Snape said as he looked at him with an irritated expression. "cease your whining, we are not here to pander to your each and every desire." Harry stared back at the potions master, while wondering 'what in the ever lasting fuck is this guy's problem?'. Harry knew that the potions mater apparently had some problem with Harry's father but Harry had thought that the man would have bloody well gotten over it by now. Harry's father was dead, everyone knew that.

"I am merely asking why I am being held back, that is all." Harry calmly replied.

"Severus," Professor McGonagall interrupted when it looked like Snape was about to open his mouth again. "for Merlin's sake, show some control!" She hissed before turning to Harry and speaking in a much calmer voice. "Mr Potter, Professor Lupin has informed us about your close exposure to a dementor, we wish to simply take you to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey may check you over."

"Ah," Harry nodded in understanding. "I appreciate that Professor but I am fine, truly, I have not been exposed to the dementor anymore than anyone else."

"Perhaps not Mr Potter but you were far closer to one than anybody else, and I insist that you visit the hospital wing to make sure there are no long term negative side effects from your brief exposure." Professor McGonagall replied.

"Very well," Harry said with a small sigh as he turned to his friends. "guys, I'll see you later, save me a seat."

"Will do, mate." Blaise nodded to him before he turned and walked off along with the girls who all said goodbye.

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