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Harry arrived in the Slytherin common room, Jet on his shoulders as usual. He looked around, seeing several students sat around the common room.

"There he is." Jet hissed, he gestured with his head to Roman who was sat on a chair and he was eating the food he was given by the elves. Harry walked over and sat on the chair next to him. Roman looked up and noticed Harry.

"Keep eating." Harry told him when Roman was about to stop eating. "You heard me," Harry said when Roman looked hesitant. "eat." Harry ordered. Roman nodded before he continued to eat. Harry did not say or do anything more while Roman ate, once Roman was done with his food and drink an elf popped in and took the plate and goblet away. "What is your major malfunction?" Harry sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I...I beg your pardon?" Roman blinked as he looked at Harry.

"It means 'what is wrong with you?'," Harry explained as he lowered his hand and looked at Roman. "it's an American thing apparently, my sister actually taught me that by the way, apparently she went there one time and ended up punching someone in Disney World. Don't ask. So, as I was saying, what is wrong with you?"

"I don't really know what you mean." Roman replied.

"I will slap you twice across your skinny little face, the seconds slap will be a backhand as well. Yes, you do know what I am talking about. Why on Earth do you want to be my vassal?" Harry asked, gazing at him intently.

"Well...you're a great wizard." Roman began.

"So is Dumbledore but I don't see you going to him." Harry pointed out.

"Dumbledore is old," Roman countered. "he could die tomorrow in his sleep for all we know." He added.

"Fair enough." Harry nodded, conceding the point.

"Look, I need your help." Roman whispered before he looked around. Harry quickly realised that Roman was looking at the various Slytherin students around them and clearly he didn't want whatever he was about to say to be heard. Harry flicked his wrist, his wand appeared in his hand, Harry quickly put up a few spells to make sure the two wouldn't be overheard.

"There you go," Harry said as he placed his wand back in his holster. "nobody will hear what you have to say, so talk."

"Thank you," Roman said in an appreciative voice as he nodded to him. "like I was saying, I need your help."

"What with?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, I am desperate, okay." Roman sighed as he looked at Harry. "You know who my parents are, or at least who my father is." Roman said, it wasn't a question, nor was it phrased as one, but Harry nodded all the same. "Everyone knows who my father is," Roman continued. "and everyone hates me because of it. I need help if I'm going to survive the rest of school. Ginny, she's great, but she won't be much help against most of the house. The only other Slytherin's who even talk to me are the Carrow twins but I don't know if they would count me as a friend."

"You need protection." Harry said.

"Yes," Roman answered. "you saved my life before, I need your help."

"What part of me makes it look like I am hero?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "What part of me makes you think that I want to help you?"

"You already have," Roman responded. "if it wasn't for you then me and Ginny would be getting much, much worse than we already have. It was you who stopped the other Slytherin's from doing worse than ignoring and insulting us."

"But that still doesn't explain to me why you want to be my vassal." Harry replied.

"I...will always be judged for who my parents were, but if I was your vassal, I would finally be known as something that I chose to be. Vassal to the great Harry Potter."

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