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"Harry!" Tracey greeted him when he and Daphne along with Angela entered the compartment that Roman had saved for them. Tracey had apparently been waiting in there for them as well. "It's great to see you!" She said, getting up and pulling him into a hug.

"Well...that's my signal to leave." Roman said as he stood up once Tracey had let go of Harry. "I'll be off to find Ginny, call if you need me." He said before nodding to everyone and leaving the compartment.

"So, weren't you guys supposed to be in a prefect meeting or something?" Tracey asked.

"Delayed." Daphne huffed as they all sat down, Tracey and Angela sat on one side while Harry and Daphne sat on the other. "We have to go there later since the ones running the meeting are busy. Apparently the Weasley twins have done something that required the help of the head boy and head girl along with all the seventh year prefect to fix." She added with a roll of her eyes. Thor flew down from the trunk rack and landed on Tracey's left shoulder before he rubbed his head against the girl's cheek. Jet meanwhile had slithered up and started resting on Daphne's lap, without pausing Daphne immediately began stroking his head while continuing to talk to the others. "Honestly I'm amazed those two idiots haven't been expelled yet."

"I think Dumbledore has a soft spot for the family," Harry sighed. "plus the twins may be idiots but they are fairly intelligent idiots, magically intelligent at least, so I imagine that they get good enough grades to pass." He added.

"Perhaps, but still." Tracey frowned before shaking her head. "Anyway, Daphne and I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" Harry asked in an interested voice as he sat up slightly straighter. "What is it?" He asked.

"Well, I can't exactly show you my surprise yet." Tracey admitted. "Not enough room," She said, gesturing around her to the compartment. "but Daphne can show hers."

"Might as well." Daphne said before she gently took Jet and placed him in Harry's lap. Harry's mouth opened to ask a question but found the words suddenly unable to escape his mouth when Daphne suddenly disappeared in front of him and was replaced by a black, blue eyed king cobra.

"Whoa." Harry breathed in amazement.

"Indeed." Angela said dumbly

"Oh...my..." Jet began but trailed off as he looked at Daphne.

"Yes!" Daphne hissed happily. "I can understand you!"

"You can understand me?!" Jet hissed just as happily, both of their tails wiggling back and forth.

"Since when did you become an animagus?" Harry blinked just before Daphne turned back.

"This summer." Daphne grinned. "We both did."

"Oh yeah, you're an animagus as well!" Harry said as he turned to Tracey. "What's your form?" He asked.

"Like I said, not enough room to show you in here." Tracey replied.

"I can fix that." Harry said with a small roll of his eyes before he took out his wand and waved it, causing the compartment to grow larger. "Is that big enough?" Harry asked now that the compartment was nearly double its previous length.

"Show off." Angela said with a small laugh.

"It'll do." Tracey smirked before standing up, Thor flew off of her shoulder and landed on Angela's, a second later she transformed and standing in her place was a white tiger.

"Fucking hell!" Harry blurted out as he looked at her.

"Not a snake though." Jet said, sounding far less impressed. "Snakes are much better."

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