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A short while later the Slytherin's were back in their common room, Harry and the other Slytherin's in his year sat at their usual spots, all of them taking notice of the first years that were looking around the common room, though most of their attention was now diverted to talking to Harry about his metamorphamaugus abilities.

"Still can't believe that you can shapeshift," Theo commented. "can you turn into Snape or somebody like that?"

"No, not really." Harry said as he shook his head. "My abilities are quite limited, I can change my hair and eyes and make minor changes to my facial structure but that's about it. If you want a full metamorphamaugus then I would advise talking to Tonk's, she can change into pretty much anyone who is close enough in body size. She can even change bits of her face to look like animal faces, like she'd give herself a pig snout or a duck beak."

While Harry was talking to his fellow second years, there was a first year who was looking at him like he was a hero.

"Are you okay?" Ginny whispered to Roman, having noticed the way that he was looking at Harry and the others.

"I...do you think he would teach me?" Roman whispered in a hopeful voice.

"Teach you?" Ginny blinked.

"Come on," Roman rolled his eyes. "you've heard all of the stories about how good he is." He said, Ginny nodded in response, she herself had heard several people talk about how good Harry Potter was at magic and the fact that he had mastered several advanced spells beyond his year.

"Oi Weasley." A third year boy said as he walked over. "How come you're not in Gryffindor with the other Weasley's?" He sneered.

"The hat wanted to put me here." Ginny answered in a quiet voice as she took a step back, she easily became aware that everyone

"The thing is clearly defective," The third year scoffed. "and what about you Lestrange?" He said, turning to the boy. "You're just a...

"Ahem." A cough interrupted the boy, everyone in the room turned to look at Harry. "Is there a problem here?" Harry asked, looking at the third year boy with narrowed eyes. The boy faltered slightly before he continued to speak.

"Yeah, them." He said as he gestured to Ginny and Roman. "You know who his dad is, and look at her, her brothers are the Weasley twins."

"House of cunning," Harry laughed to himself as he stood up and walked forward, he stopped in front of the third year who had taken a step back. "house of ambition, no this doesn't seem like that house to me. This seems like the house where bullying and threats are the key to getting your way," Harry said as he look the third year in the eye. "this seems like the house where civility and decorum go out of the window when talking with someone you don't like." Harry said, glaring at the third year who was now looking down at the floor.

Harry shook his head and looked around the room, seeing all of the other Slytherin's looking at him.

"Speech time?" Jet asked.

"Speech time." Harry nodded before he began speaking to the room. "I understand that you guys might not like these two, I understand a little bit about why you might not like the girl, her brothers are morons. You could torment her for who her family is but I want to point out that she has had to live in the same house as Ronald Weasley and that is suffering enough." Harry said with a small smirk as many in the common room began laughing at that. "As for the other one," Harry said as he gestured to Roman. "he reminds me of another half-blood. There was this one half-blood boy, he came to the wizarding world and was sorted into Slytherin, people didn't like him a first because of who he was, they thought he was weak and pathetic. But then he proved them wrong when he not only gained Slytherin more points than anyone else in his year whilst also being the top student of his year. If that wasn't enough then add in the fact that he also helped lead the quidditch team to victory and not only defeated every person in his year but also helped kill a troll. What does that tell you?"

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