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"Good evening everyone," Dumbledore spoke. "and might I say it is delightful to have you all join us for another amazing year at Hogwarts, I also welcome our new students and hope that you will enjoy several magical years at our lovely school. Do forgive me for taking more time than usual with our announcements and making you all wait before you can experience our wonderful feast but I have several important things to say." Dumbledore said. "Firstly I would like to introduce Professor Lupin, our new defence against the dark arts Professor." Dumbledore said as he gestured to Professor Lupin who stood up and gave a small bow as the students clapped, Lupin sat down and Dumbledore continued speaking.. "Yes, good luck Professor. Now, Professor Silvanus Kettleburn has decided to retire, I believe it would be so he could spend more time with his remaining limbs. Can't say I blame him. Fortunately, I am delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our very own, Rubeus Hagrid."

Dumbledore gestured to Hagrid just as the majority of the hall - especially the Gryffindor's - began cheering for him. Hagrid waved but stayed seated until Professor McGonagall nudged him, he stood up, unintentionally pushing the table forward.

"They're making that oath a teacher?" Draco whispered with disbelief. Harry did not reply, he didn't really have anything against Hagrid, he knew that Hagrid had helped Professor Babbling - Beth - with getting photos of his parents and Harry was appreciative of that. Harry also knew that the man knew about his magical creatures, with that being said Harry was not sure if the guy would make a good teacher. Until he found out he would hold back on judging. Harry's attention was brought back to Dumbledore as he continued with the usual announcements about classes and rules.

"Mr Filch has also banned those after a rather nasty incident involving a duck," Dumbledore said near the end of his speech. "and now there is something I rather wish I did not have to talk about, but unfortunately I must. As many of you are well aware, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban." Dumbledore paused as many of the students began whispering and talking amongst themselves. It took several long moments before the chatter died down.

"It has not yet been determined how he escaped, or where he is. The Ministry has seen fit to post dementors around the school grounds in the hope of catching Sirius Black and they will remain here until Sirius Black is captured, they have been stationed at every entrance to the grounds. I have been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities, but with that being said I must warn you. Dementors are vicious creatures and they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one that gets in their way.

Therefore I must warn each and every one of you to please give them no reason to harm you, they are not very forgiving being. I know that at various times throughout the year some of you will be leaving the castle for various different reasons, I urge you to please be cautious. They don't care for excuses or reasons you may have, they will not miss you if you hide with spells or invisibility cloaks. Be careful. Also if someone discovers something suspicious then please do not hesitate to contact the staff.

This will be a trying time for Hogwarts, but...happiness can be found. Even in the darkest of times, one only has to remember to turn on the light." Dumbledore finished with a small smile. "Everyone please enjoy your feast." He said before making his way back to the table just as food appeared.

Harry and the other Slytherin third years eventually arrived in the common room, they saw the new first years looking around the common room. Though many of them began whispering to each other when they saw Jet sitting on Harry's shoulders.

"Were we ever that small?" Blaise whispered to Harry. Harry snorted in amusement, but he couldn't help but agree with Blaise. Harry was much taller now, so was Jet, Jet's growth seemed to mirror Harry's and he would always seem to be at least the same length as Harry's arm.

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