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Once Harry had left the Weasley males were in a state of deep thought. Percy, for example, was wondering what Potter's problem with him was, all Percy had ever done was follow the rules like everybody else should, just yesterday he confiscated a forbidden joke item and gave the offender detention like any good head boy should. The rules were all there for a reason, if only he could convince his brothers of that fact, everything would be a lot easier for him if he could.

The twins on the other hand had a slightly different thought process, firstly it annoyed them to no end that Harry Potter, the boy-who-should-have-just-been-a-bloody-Gryffindor, was related to at least one of their heroes. But which one was it? Padfoot? Prongs? Moony? Wormtail? Well, he was a little worm so maybe Wormtail. Harry Potter had also called them bullies and thieves, that was not true! Okay, so maybe they stole from Filch but that was Filch, nobody liked him.

The twins were sure that if it wasn't for the free food then even his cat, Mrs Norris, wouldn't like him. And they did not agree with the comment about them being bullies, they didn't bully anyone! Sure they pranked a lot, some more than others (cough, Slytherin's, cough), but they were not bullies.

Arthur Weasley was going through something much different than his son's, never in his life had he been so embarrassed and ashamed of his family. There was just far too much for him to process, Harry had so many things that Arthur couldn't ignore like the comment about Molly's howlers or the fact that two of his sons were thieves. He had always tried to do his best to be a decent, hard working man, a good member of society, why the hell weren't his kids doing the same?!

"Professor's," Arthur said in a quiet voice as he looked at Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. "I apologize but can I please have a few minutes alone? I need some time to think."

"Of course, Arthur." Professor Dumbledore nodded before he waved his wand and created a couple of notes. "These will explain to any teacher why your sons were late for their lessons." Dumbledore said as he handed them to Arthur.

"Thank you." Arthur nodded as he accepted the note, the Professor's nodded before they left the room.

"Father," Percy began. "I am not sure what Potter had said to you before we arrived but..."

"Ah," Arthur cut his son off, raising a hand to stop him from speaking. "just...just all of you be quiet for a few minutes, I need to think." He sighed as he walked over and dropped down into the nearest chair.

"Mr Potter," Professor Flitwick frowned when Harry entered the class late, Harry was never late for his classes. "are you okay? You are late." He pointed out.

"I'm sorry sir," Harry said apologetically as he rushed over and handed Professor Flitwick a note. "I would have come sooner but I was busy threatening to declare a blood feud." Harry shrugged, acting like it was something that he did every other day when he got bored.

"A...A blood feud?!" Professor Flitwick squeaked as the class began whispering amongst themselves and sending shocked looks at Harry.

"Yes, it was a close thing." Harry nodded before he went to his seat and sat in-between a gaping Daphne and Tracey. "So, what did I miss?" Harry asked the pair.

"We...we were just revising the levitation charm," Tracey said before she shook her head. "what is this about blood feuds?!" She hissed.

"I'll tell you later." Harry said just as Professor Flitwick was finally able to get over his shock.

"Right," He said after a small cough. "now class, we will be working on the freezing spell. Can anyone tell me about it?" He asked, several hands were raised into the air. "Hmm, Miss Granger." Flitwick said as he pointed to Hermione.

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